Bere Regis, a little Markett Towne, where for a verie longe time the famous and remarkable Familie de Turbida Villa, vulgarlie Turbervile, had their chiefe Habitation ; whence iffued Knights of efpeciall Note, whofe Pofteritie remained even untill this Daye.
Overagainft Beere, Woodbery Hill mounteh itfelfe aloft, fortified at the toppe with double Ditches which a Man maye with goode Probabilitie gueffe to have beene a Summer Station of the Romans.
Nowe its generallie knowne, by reafon of a great Faire kept on it once in the Yeare, about the feventh of September.
From the toppe of this Hill you have a large Profpeft, and not much belowe it, the River which runneth through Beere falleth into Peddell, which thence holdeth on its Courfe through a barren heathie Plaine unto Warham, where, as I have allreadie noted, it iflueth into the Sea, whofe Shoar form this boundeth in the large and fafe Harbour of Poole, which taketh name from the quiet Stillneffe of the Sea, refem- bleing a ftanding Water, and emparteth it, foe that it clofeth with the Continent onlie on the North Side, where it admitteth Entrance onlie by one Gate.