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September 2023                                                                      September 2023

       for congregations to
       reflect  on  the  value
       of  education  and
       the  role  it  plays  in
       shaping  individuals
       and society.
       The  theme  of  Education  Sunday  varies  each  year,  often  focusing  on  relevant
       issues and challenges faced by the education system  It’s a day to celebrate the
       journey  of  knowledge  and  the  impact  it  has  on  individuals  and  communities.
       Education Sunday serves as a reminder to us all that education is not just confined
       to  academic  institutions,  but  extends  to  lifelong  learning  in  all  areas  of  life.  It
       emphasizes the need to inspire and nurture young minds, helping them develop
       intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
       During this special day, churches often organize themed services, where prayers
       are offered for students, teachers, and educational institutions. Sermons may focus
       on  the  importance  of  education  for  personal  growth,  social  development,  and
       the pursuit of knowledge. It is also an opportunity to recognize the hard work and
       dedication  of  educators  and  the  impact  they  have  on  their  students'  lives.
       Communities  come  together  to  celebrate  Education  Sunday,  recognizing  that
       education is a powerful tool for empowerment and social transformation.
       It  is  an  occasion  to  consider  how  education  can  be  made  more  inclusive,
       equitable,  and  accessible  to  all  individuals,  regardless  of  their  background  or
       circumstances.  Education Sunday encourages individuals to be lifelong learners,
       seeking knowledge from various sources and recognizing that education extends
       beyond  the  classroom.  It  offers  an  opportunity  for  churches  to  affirm  their
       commitment  to  supporting  education  in  their  communities  and  to  encourage  a
       love for learning and personal growth.
       As Education Sunday approaches, we can reflect on the transformative power of
       education  and  how  we  can  contribute  to  nurturing  and  empowering  the  next
       generation through knowledge and learning.
       This  year  the  theme  is  ‘The  Armour  of  Light’  -  Teaching  and  learning  is  often
       described  as  a way  of  bringing light into dark  places,  bringing  opportunity, and
       understanding,  and  encouraging  people  to  grow.    We  will  also  remember  that
       God’s  light  is  important  in  bringing  opportunity  and  understanding  and
       encouraging people to grow too!
       Everyone will be very welcome to come and join in the Family Service at 11am on
       Sunday 10  September in St John the Baptist Church as we celebrate Education
       Sunday and remember, every day is a learning day, no matter how long ago you
       went to school!
       With blessings Sandra

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