Page 11 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 11

September 2023                      September 2023
 prices  for  their  goods  will be  slightly  higher. However, by  using  the  shop and  PO
 you are using a service which is convenient to your home and so can save you   FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN
 time and also money by cutting down on the use of your car. Just as importantly,
 by supporting the shop and PO you are playing a part in the welfare of some of
 the more vulnerable members of our community. It’s also a good place to have a   The End of the Holidays
 chat!     We had some visitors to the church last Sunday whom we only see occasionally. I

 Look out for a new range of sweets coming soon!   was  asked  if  I  was  going  on  holiday?  “No,  not  this  year.”  So  what  I  had  been
       doing  since  last  time  we  met?  Well,  as  the  LWL,  I  have  been  given  the  great
 It is your shop and PO, so please support it either as a volunteer or as a customer,   opportunity of conducting the service of the second Sunday each month. Then,
 but preferably both! The opening hours are:   as  the  church  warden,  I  have  various  duties  and  tasks  which  seem  to  take  up
       most of my time. I organise the rota for churchyard maintenance – mowing etc.
 Shop – 9am – noon Monday to Saturday and 10.00am to noon on Sunday,
       And  if  someone  is  called  away  or  struck  ill,  I  will  do  their  duty.  I  look  after  the
 PO – 9am – noon Monday to Friday   organising of those members of the congregation who contribute to the service
       and do their task if they are not available.
       Then there are functions to organise e.g.  Harvest Thanksgiving. I also get told of
 BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB   faults  around  the  church  and  church  yard,  such  as  blocked  drains.  And  some
       responding to correspondence, e.g. training requirements. Joining with the PCC
       in duties such as repairs and maintenance. Preparing for new graves and keeping
 This year’s Horticultural Show, and the supper and quiz night that followed, were
 well supported.  There were 41 entrants who displayed 283 exhibits in this year’s   records  of  interments.  And  just  lately  to  apply  for  planning  permission  and  a
 show, an increase of 30 exhibits from the last year’s show.   Considering the very   faculty  for  a  lavatory  to  be  installed  outside  the  church.  So,  on  Sunday  I  was
 changeable weather this year and the consequent adverse effect on flowers and   reading the lesson and banking the takings, weeding graves on Monday, writing
       planning application on Tuesday, visiting parishioners and repairing the mower on
 vegetables a fine turnout.
       Wednesday,  mowing the  churchyard  and  clearing blocked  drains  on  Thursday,
 Despite the prevailing situation there were a large number of prize winners, only   preparing Sunday’s service on Friday. But Saturday is my Grandson’s party.
 six entrants didn’t receive a prize, and it was very pleasing to see old and some
 new entrants supporting the show.   In Exodus Chapter 18 we read Jethro say to Moses “What is this you are doing?”
       and Moses replies “Whenever the people have a problem it is brought to me.” But
 The Horticultural show is now in its 52  year for which the organisers thank all who   Jethro responds, “What you are doing is not good.” He goes on to advise Moses
 helped on the day to make this year’s show a success:   to delegate to trustworthy people.
 The Bladen Social Club Cup   Well,  I  am  pleased  to  say  there  are  lots  of  people  who  have  contacted  me
 Most points in section 2 (vegetables) – Bert Jeanes   offering to do this, that, or the other – mowing the churchyard (thank you James),
       preparing the rotas, organising the refreshments …
 The Norman Read Rose Bowl
 Most points in section 3 (flowers) – Jenny Lightfoot   So, it might be the end of your holidays but not mine. To help my son prepare for
       his son’s party (my grandson) I have been working in the woods where the party is
 The Kayll Cup   going to be. Furthermore, I am actually going away for a few days in November –
 Most points in section 4 (flower arrangements) – Jenny Murphy   to  a  training  course  on  Woodland  Management.  We  have  a  few  acres  of
 The Martin Debenham Cup   woodland in the North of the county and I look forward to spending some more
 Most points in section 6 (homecraft) – Jean McGrorty   time there with my grandson.
 The Ron Jones Cup   So, what are you going to do to help someone else? Are you the busiest person in
 Most points in section 7 (photography) – Pete Harrison   the village or can you spare some time to share with someone? Have you got a
       skill which you can share? Can you make someone happy?
 The Novelty Cup
 Section 8 (Best animal made from fruit and vegetables) – Jenny Murphy   Mike Menzies
       Church Warden,   Lay Worship Leader,    St Laurence Church, Affpuddle

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