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September 2022                                                 SMALL ADS
                                                                                                                         September 2022
                                                                                                                      KDL Plumbing           Sharon Dobson
                                                                                               Village Hall
       Thursday Tea and Toast – St John the Baptist Church, 8am-                             Available for Hire for private   and Heating       Handmade

       10am, starting 8  September                                                           parties or regular meetings.   Immersion Heaters, Taps   Find out how I can help you

                                                                                           Please note that the main Hall is
       A  drop  in  Café  will  be  running  for  a  couple  of  hours  on  a  Thursday  morning  in   on an upper level, we do   Showers, Toilets, Tanks,    transform the look of your
       church from 8  September.  Designed as a place to drop in on the way to or from       however  have a chair lift.                             home.
       dropping  off  at  school,  or  perhaps  on  your  way  to  or  from  the  shop  for  the   There is a smaller room also   Radiators and more.   Bespoke handmade curtains
                                                                                                                                               and alterations, Roman
                                                                                               available for meetings
       morning  paper  and  milk,  a  place  to  have  a  chat  over  tea  (other  drinks  are   The Hall hire cost is £8 per hour for   Call Kevin    blinds, soft furnishings and
       available)  and  scrumptious  toast.    All  ages  are  welcome,  there  will  be  some    both rooms                 0747-512-8249      upholstery projects
       toddler age toys available.  For more information, please contact                    For hire and booking enquiries
                                                                                                  please email             (01929) - 448548    07960 459834
       Pat Wharf – 01929 472246.                          
                                                                                               01929 471528                   All areas served

       Vicarage Garden Party                                                                                                                     Computer
       Thank you to everyone who supported the Garden Party in Bere Regis Vicarage in       Toes and Fingers         Purbeck
       July.  It was a very hot afternoon, but plenty of people came to gather under the                             Plumbing                    Problems?

       shade  of  the  gazebos  to  enjoy  cream  teas  and  listen  to  Paul  Openshaw      Toe and finger nail                              Email & internet support
       entertaining us.                                                                     cutting service in your
                                                                                                 own home            Boiler services,         Wireless networking setup
       There were stalls to browse at both in the garden and in church.  £550 was raised                                  repairs and          PC and Laptop repairs
       for much needed church funds – we all have bills to pay.  A big thank you to all      Toe nail cutting £15    installation.  Drains and   Virus and malware removal
       those who ran stalls, helped put up and take down gazebos, deliver and collect       Finger nail cutting £12   waste pipes unblocked.     No call-out charge
       chairs and tables etc etc.  The biggest thanks goes to Paul for his entertainment     Both treatments £18                             Over 20 years’ experience
       and Glo Curtis and Jackie Percy who organised us all.                                                           Call Steve Iles on         Call Alan on :
                                                                                                 Call Kay on            01929 550858            01929 480529
                                                                                                                        07831 312740            07710 835905
       Junior Church/Family Service                                                           01202 280492 or
                                                                                               07968 290333                         
       Just like us, even Jesus was talking about
       the weather for our theme in August!  We
       were  exploring  emotions  and  made  a                                                 Interested in
       very colourful volcano.  We were thinking                                                                        A ‘Small Ad’ like these is only £70 a
       about how our emotions can sometimes                                                     playing or            year and is a great way for advertisers
       make  us  erupt.    In  our  Bible  story  Jesus                                     learning croquet?
       was very stressed with his friends.  He was                                                                          to ensure that their contact
       on  his  way  to the  cross  and  was  feeling                                           Briantspuddle            information is always to hand for
       very  vulnerable.    He  told  them  you  can                                                  Phone:
       look at the clouds and predict when the                                                                                  potential customers.
       rains  coming,  but  you  can’t  see  how                                                01929 472204
       divided  we  get  over  silly  things  and  you                                          07980 258932           The most cost effective form of local
       can’t see how important it is that we love
       each  other  and  God.    We  need  to  find                                           No fees involved.                      advertising.
       healthy ways to cope with our emotions

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