Page 10 - br-sep-2022
P. 10

September 2022                      September 2022


 We  are  pleased  that  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  will
 again  be  one  of  the  venues  for  the  Purbeck  Film
 Festival  2022.  This  year’s  film  will  be  ‘Operation
 Mincemeat’  (certificate  12A)  showing  on  Friday  21
 October at 7.30pm.
 This is a very British film with a strong cast. This unlikely,
 but  true,  story  of  Naval  intelligence  convincing  the
 Germans  that  the  Allies  intended  to  invade  Greece
 and  Sardinia  rather  than  Sicily  is  very  well  directed,
 skilfully  acted  and  with  some  very  clever  special
 effects.  The  film  credits  the  ruse  of  floating  a  corpse
 with misleading papers to be found by the Germans off the coast of Spain to one
 Ian  Fleming  –  who  of  course  went  on  to  create  his  own  entirely  fictional  spy.
 Running  through  the  story  of  deception  are  tales  of  love  and  loyalty,  at  an
 individual  and  governmental  level.  The  film  is  based  on  the  book  of  the  same
 name by Ben Macintyre.
 The  cast  includes  Colin  Firth,  Matthew  Macfadyen,  Kelly  Macdonald,  Penelope
 Wilton, Simon Russell Beale and Jason Isaacs.
 Tickets are £6.50 or £5.00 for students and under 25s. They can be ordered through
 the  Purbeck  Film Festival  website –  Alternatively  contact
 me  -  tel:  01929  472724  or  -  and  I  will  see  if  I  can
 help. If there are spare tickets you can buy them on the night.
 The  doors  will  open  at  7.00pm.  There  will  be  a  bar  and  teas,  coffees  and  ice
 creams will be available in the interval. Do come along to support the Film Festival
 and your village hall and see an excellent film.

 Lesley Wilcox

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