Page 56 - br-sep-2022
P. 56

September 2022                      September 2022


                                             I can only imagine how it was then.
       The Gates to Hell
                                             Before you’d count from one to ten,
       In eighteen hundred and eighty-nine,   The township throve like never again,
       They dug rocks out of a Calico mine,   Until the price of silver fell
       Hauled them away on the Calico line,   When  there  was  no  commerce  or
       When silver cast its spell.           gain,
       To heed the call and follow the star,   No mechanism for sustain,
       Prospectors came from near and far,   They  tore  up  the  rails  of  the  Calico
       To boarding house and brothel and bar,    train,
       With many a tale to tell,             Leaving nothing but a shell.

       Chorus                                It’s a ghost town now it’s said.
       In the dark, a miner found,           I have heard that it is dead.
       As he worked below the ground,        Nothing moves in house or shed
       If a little bird made a sound,        Where people used to dwell.
       He’d know that all was well.          No  boarding  house,  no  brothel,  no
       But if that little bird did not sing,   bar,
       And did not flap its tiny wing,       No  prospectors,  come  from  near  or
       That would make alarm bells ring,     far,
       At the Gates to Hell.                 No little bird, no big cigar.
                                             Not a whiff or smell.

                                                                Paul J Openshaw


       She lines the walls with silk in her apartment
       She lines the walls with silk and keeps her babies
       gathered round.
       Whatever may be the cost, her hole she will
       And she’ll do what must be done, and she does it
       to the end.
       It’s strange to me and you, but that’s what
       tarantulas do.
       That’s what tarantulas do, in deepest darkest Peru.

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