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September 2022                                                                      September 2022

       BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY                                                                  OTHER CHURCHES NEWS

       Cardinal Morton’s 500th.                                                            BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH

       Thirty  Three  years  ago,  about  half  of  the  church  choir
       ascended the 64 foot, 19.5 metre, tall church tower, built                          Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our full
       500 years previously. John Morton, who rose to the top of                           time Youth Worker, John Williams.
       power  in  England,  was  born  at  Milborne  Stileham,  then
       part of Bere Regis. In a small humble cottage according                              Our services also go out live on You Tube
       to  contemporary  reports,  but  actually  part  of  a  large  property  owning  family
       already established in Dorset.                                                      Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
       John  Morton  was  a  substantial  beneficiary  of  Bere  church  in  particular,  partly   Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.
       funding and encouraging others to pay for the replacement church roof which
       was destroyed by fire at that time. The Morton chapel, inside the church, at the
       east end of the north aisle, was formalised in the 1960s, by local crafts men and   After a break from some usual activities over the summer, we are looking forward
       women.                                                                              to  getting  back  into  a  normal  routine.  We  will  be  resuming  our  usual  weekly
                                                                                           meetings  and  activities  and  are  hoping  to  branch  out  and  launch  some  new
       These skills involved woodwork, metalworking and new embroidered kneelers with      projects as well.
       special monograms. It was established as such after the organ was dismantled,
       serviced  and  moved  to  its  current  position.  Wooden  panels  dating  to  the  17th   At the time of writing, we are experiencing the second significant heatwave of the
       century were re-cut to form a new freeze, with some of these having to be cut to    summer. After the driest July in many years, the middle of August also had a spurt
       fit. There was a fair amount of sniggering when one of the woodwork is cutting      of days where the mercury tipped well over the 30°C mark. With this came health
       these panels was struggling with the oak and complained that it was still green.    warnings and hosepipe bans in several areas of the country. I have even read this
                                                                                           morning  about  a  potential  mass  loss  of  Brussel  Sprout  crops,  which  would  be  a
                                                              T h e    c h o i r           disaster to me personally this Christmas!
                                                              contingent   sang
                                                              several  mediaeval           This reminds me of an incident in the life of Elijah, which can be found in 1 Kings
                                                              themed  songs  and           chapter 17&18.  He  was  a prophet  to Israel  at  a  time  when  they  experienced  a
                                                              a   few   modern             great drought. There had been no rain for three and a half years. We in Britain are
                                                              pieces  of  music  on        struggling  with  two  dry  months,  but  this  would  pale  in  comparison  to  42
                                                              the  24th  of  June          consecutive  dry  months  in  an  already  arid  middle  eastern  climate.  The  lack  of
                                                              1989  on  a  fine            water would have been a threat to a society that relied on agriculture and thus
                                                              summer day. Some             was a very real threat to the lives of plants, animals and humans.
                                                              of  those  involved          Elijah  is  one  of  my  favourite  figures  in  the  Bible  and  there  are  several  recorded
                                                              are  no  longer  with        events in his life which were miraculous. Yet for me, what I like most about him is
                                                              us:  perhaps  you            not the spectacular and the wonderful, but the very real and human side to his
                                                              can    recognise             character. In James 5:17-18 we read:
                                                              some familiar faces
                                                              in  the  photograph          ‘Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not
                                                              alongside                    rain,  and  it  did  not  rain  on  the  land  for  three  years  and  six  months.  And  he
                                                                                           prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.’
                                                                    John Pitfield,
                                                                project secretary.         Elijah  had  a  nature  like  ours.  In  other  words,  in  himself  he  was  not  special  or
                                                                                           extraordinary.  Instead,  he  was  like  you  and  me.  He  had  struggles  and  doubts.
                                                                                           Scripture records that he had issues regarding mental health and depression that

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