Page 72 - br-September-2019
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September 2019                                                                      September 2019

       DATES FOR                                                                              THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and AFFPUDDLE
                                                                                                               with TURNERSPUDDLE
               YOUR DIARY

       2019                                                                                 Our Vision:                                             Our Mission:
                                                                                            To make Christ’s love                   To encourage awareness of the
                                                                                            known in the world today              presence of God through worship
             November                                                                       and to live out his teaching                        music and the arts;

       2nd   Affpuddle Church  -  Gift Day                                                                                           To encourage everyone in the
                                                                                                                                   Christian faith through example,
       5th   GC: Roaming Free  -  New Forest Ponies, Suzanne Kemp   7.30                                                              learning and spiritual growth;

       12th  FG: Mr Nicky Heal, Christmas at Home                                                                                  To make our churches open and
                                                                                                                                welcoming to all, and supportive of
       13th  AL: Glo Curtis, Advice for All Citizens                                                                                                 those in need;

                                                                                                                                To challenge injustice at home and
       15th  PiP: Children in Need, Lower Hall                      10.00-12.00
                                                                                                                               abroad and to balance our care for
       20th  WI: Christmas Craft                                                                                                                  the environment.

                                                                                           A LETTER FROM YOUR RECTOR
       3rd   GC: Charles Darwin and his famous plants, Caradoc Doy   7.30pm
                                                                                           Last  month I was delighted to share the good news  with you that Revd Sandra
             FG: Christmas Lunch
                                                                                           Williams had been appointed by the Bishop of Sherborne as an Associate Priest in
                                                                                           the Benefice of West Purbeck. Rev Sandra will be licensed in Bere Regis Church on
       11th  AL: Christmas Afternoon Entertainment and Singing                             2  October at 7.30pm. Please see the invitation elsewhere in this magazine and
                                                                                           save the date; we hope you’ll be able to come to the Service to welcome Sandra
       12th  Pop in Performers Christmas Show                                              and Graham and stay for refreshments in the Scout Hut afterwards.
                                                                                           It  was  very  good  for  the  Ministry  Team  to  spend  time with  Sandra  and  Graham
       13th  Pop in Performers Christmas Show
                                                                                           recently  when  they  came  to  look  over  the  vicarage.  Everyone  is  very  much
                                                                                           looking forward to Sandra joining the team.  Sandra is also really looking forward
       14th  Pop in Performers Christmas Show
                                                                                           to coming and has written a letter for this month’s magazine to introduce herself
                                                                                           to everyone.
       16th  Pop in Place Community Christmas Party                 12.00 -4.00
                                                                                           Next  month  the  Churchwardens  and  I  will  include  an  article  about  Sandra’s
       19th  WI: Christmas Festivities                                                     ministry amongst us after her licensing on 2  October and, remembering that she
                                                                                           has been appointed to work 0.5 (Sunday +3 days), we’ll give details of her working
                                                                                           days and the arrangements for the days when she will not be on duty as well as
                                                                                           other  organisational  &  administrative  arrangements  across  the  Benefice  and

                                                                                               Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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