Page 71 - br-September-2019
P. 71

September 2019                      September 2019

 Ministry Team. Please look out for this next month.
         DATES FOR
 In the meantime, please pray for the Revd Sandra and Graham as they prepare
 to move to Bere Regis and please also continue to pray for the Benefice as we
 move forward together.      YOUR DIARY
 With every blessing
 Rev Carol, Rector
        Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s

        Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
 Hello, I’m Sandra,       September
 I was born and christened down on the south coast of Hampshire and confirmed
 and married in north Hampshire, a village just outside Basingstoke, where I met my   3rd   GC: Food for Free, Foraging for Wild Food, James Feaver   7.30
 husband Graham on a Cub trip to Bovington Tank Museum!  We very much feel
 this  move  was  meant  to  be.  Since  that  time  Graham’s  work  within  the  water   10th  FG: Willow Workshop, Puddletown
 industry has taken us to Hong Kong, Oxfordshire, and North Dorset.
       11th  AL: Rob Curtis, Dorset Curiosities
 Graham  and  I  have  three  children  –  Amy,  married  to  Neil,  has  two  children,
 Zachary and Ruby and lives in Salisbury; our son  Adam and his wife, Maria, are   18th  WI: Local Artist
 both  teachers  and  live  in  Berkshire  with  their  Schnauzer  Gus;  and  our  youngest
 daughter,  Lucy,  with  her  partner  Sam  and  Husky/Beagle  Cross  Bella,  live  in   14th  PiP: Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk   10.00
 Gillingham, North Dorset, where she works for Waitrose and keeps an eye on my
 parents who  moved there a few years ago.   Our family grew up in Gillingham,
 where, prior to ordination, I was a Primary School Teaching Assistant. I was also a   27th  PiP: MacMillan Coffee Morning   10.00-12.00
 Cub Scout Leader for 30 years (I started very young!), stepping down before I was
 ordained.  I’m very excited to have the County Camp Site, Buddens, just down      October
 the road, where Lucy and her Cubs along with grandson Zach have just returned
 from camp.   1st   GC: Harvest Supper
 We are moving from Shipton Bellinger in North Hampshire where we have been   8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
 for  the  last  six  years,  most  recently  as  Priest  in  Charge  of  five  parishes  west  of
 Andover.    Prior  to  that  we  were  in  Shropshire  where  I  completed  four  years  as   9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
 Curate in The  Wrockwardine Deanery Team Ministry in Lichfield Diocese, twelve
 rural villages between Shrewsbury and Telford.
       12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx              7.30
 One of my main loves is walking and I’m looking forward to getting to know the
 lovely footpaths around the area with our 8-month-old labradoodle puppy, Zinnie,   13th  Havest Lunch  -  Briantspuddle Village Hall   12.30
 born  on  Christmas  Eve.    Please  do  say  hello  if  you  see  us  out  and  about,  and
 maybe share your favourite walk with us if you don’t mind a lively doodle!   16th  WI: The Watercress Company
 We are looking forward so much to walking alongside you all in The West Purbeck   25th  Purbeck Film Festival at Briantspuddle Village Hall   7.00-7.30
 Benefice, seeing what God is up to, and joining in!
 With blessings
 Rev Sandra Williams

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