Page 30 - br-September-2019
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September 2019                                                                      September 2019

        Bere Regis Memory Walk who are you
        walking for ?                                                                                            The Captains Cup 2019
                                                                                                                 37 ROGS and 2 guests enjoyed wonderful weather while

        Come and join us in the Alzheimer’s Society Bere                                                         playing  the  rolling  fairways  of  the  home  of  golf,  Ashley
        Regis  Memory Walk Saturday 14  September                                                                Wood.  Some  exceptional  golf  was  played  (Not  by  that
                                                                                                                 many  Ashley  members  though)  as  half  the  scores  were
        Saturday September 14  at 10am the walk starts  in Elder Road and is a delightful    over  30  and  above.  Coming  out  on  top  with  a  great  score  of  38  was  Peter
        2mile walk around the outskirts of the village that starts near the Kicking Wall and   Cheeseman,  well  done  Peter,  second  on  countback  was  Neil  Middleditch  and
        finishes back at the Village Hall for a well-earned cake and cup of coffee.        third was Jamie Lake with 35 points.
        Walkers  pay  £5  per  person  and  £10  for  a  whole  family.  No  unaccompanied   NP  on the 7th  Dave Swift (guest)
        children under 16.
                                                                                           NP on the 18th  Peter Cheeseman
        Or just attend the Alzheimer’s Society COFFEE MORNING l
        If you don’t want to walk but want to come to the coffee morning at the hall the   NP in 2 on the 12th  Phil Allen
        hall will be open form 10am. We will have piano music by the very talented Paul    Straightest Drive on the 14th  Gordy Tucker
        Martin and a display of memorabilia from the latest Memory Boxes .
                                                                                           There  were  5  twos.    Matt  March    Graeme  Price  Phil  Allen    Mark  Teed    Peter
        All over the UK people  will be uniting to walk for a world without dementia, be   Cheeseman
        part  of  it  and  come  and  join  us  on  Saturday  14   September  and  support  the
        Alzheimer’s Society.                                                               Best guest  Dave Swift   34 points
                                                                                           A  little  bit  of  fun  ensued  before  and  after  the  golf  in  the  way  of  a  putting
        Support the Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 27  September                          competition. Julian Flower and the Captain took 4 lots of 5 balls to score a point!!
                                                                                           This raised some good  money towards my charity.  All in all, the day raised over
        10-12                                                                              £300, putting the annual amount up to near £2,500. A massive thanks goes to all
                                                                                           the ROGS for their never ending generosity.
        There  will  be  a  raffle  ,  coffee,  home-made  cakes  all  proceeds  to  Macmillan.
        Please do pop in and show your support. Fresh cress and a warm welcome to all.     After the ‘official’ putting comp, a few took part in an unofficial one. Tristan Gale
                                                                                           sunk a massive putt, to see him start a lap of honour onto the 18  green!!

        Pop In Place needs more volunteers to serve teas or drive                          Since  this  game,  Super  ROGS  played  their  annual  cricket  match  against  Bere
        clients welcome visitors                                                           Regis.  The  average  ages  of  the  2  teams  were  quite  a  way  apart.  A  big  thanks
                                                                                           goes  to  everybody  for  their  support  in  putting  this  event  on.  All  from  chefs  to
        Could  you become a volunteer and help to serve the teas at our  Monday or         participants. Although on Monday morning, the injury list was quite high. Turp had
        Friday morning  cafes or maybe you could become a driver or talk to the clients ?   a scare, but thankfully he is OK and at this moment he is recovering well.
        These tasks are all done on a rota basis so you don’t have to do it every week .
                                                                                           Oh and the cricket…. If you needed to ask, Bere Regis won in a deserved fashion.
        A big thank you to all who already volunteer with us we appreciate that you are
        giving your time to enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.      See  you  all  at  the  next  meeting,  31st  August  (The  last  Friday  of  the  month)  at
                                                                                           Crane Valley Golf Club. It is The Ex Landlord’s Cup (switched from May, due to the

                                                                                           Ex  Landlord  (Teedy)  not  being  able  to  attend  that  date,  due  to  having  to  put
        Pop In Place Community Shed make a Donation of cash to                             some extra practice in for the high jump at the next Olympics).1  Tee is 12.00
        help our set up cost.                                                                                                                         Captain Spalds
        We would welcome cash donation towards the set up costs of this new initiative,

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