Page 28 - br-September-2019
P. 28

September 2019                                                                      September 2019

        though  it  is  broadcast  on  the  parliament  channel  and  online  for  anyone  to
        watch. There are also restrictions in other parts of the Parliamentary estate, but if
        you want to see inside Parliament from the comfort of your own sofa, there is a
        virtual  tour  on  the  website  If  you
        would like a more personal experience, please do get in touch with my office for
        information about tours and visits.
        Over the summer I have had some time off with my family, but I also took the
        opportunity  to  visit  businesses  and  charities  across  the  constituency.  You  can
        follow  what  I  have  been  doing  on  my  website,  Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or
        Of course, one of the most important aspects of my work cannot be shared in
        this  way.  When  constituents  contact  me  about  personal  issues  –  ranging  from
        child maintenance, health and social care, school applications, rogue traders,
        problems  with  utility  companies,  and  many  more,  these  must  be  kept
        confidential. My team and I work hard to solve frustrating issues. This might be by
        raising a matter with Ministerial colleagues to look at a possible change to the
        law,  or  by  working  with  other  organisations  to  review  a  case  and  check  that
        everything possible has been done. I can’t always promise success – sadly MPs
        cannot wave a magic wand! My brilliant team and I are always willing to try and
        help so do let me know if you need help. It is useful to have information about
        your concerns in writing, and copies of any relevant correspondence which
        can help us to work out how we can help you.

        If you would like to visit Parliament or have an issue that you
        need  help  with,  please  do  get  in  touch;  email  me
        on or contact my office
        on 01202 624216


         Michael Tomlinson MP      
         holds regular surgeries
         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
          details of forthcoming
         surgeries or to make an   
          appointment, please           @Michael4MDNP
            contact his office.

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