Page 80 - oct2022
P. 80

October 2022                         October 2022
 Queen  and  her  last  journey,  travelling  down  the  country  by  road  and  air  from      DATES FOR
 Scotland to London.
 ‘Journey’ seems to have become the most recent word to describe life – Strictly,      YOUR DIARY
 new series starts soon, contestants always talk about the ‘journey’ they’ve been
 on when they are interviewed.
 But aren’t we all on a journey from the day we’re born?  I believe we don’t ever
 reach  the  final  destination  while  we’re  in  this  world,  we’re  always  a  ‘work  in   Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
 More  meandering  thoughts  whilst  on  my  cycling  were  of  the  recent  Platinum   Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning   Gardening Club
 Jubilee  celebrations  and  how  lucky  we  all  were  to  show  our  late  Queen  how
 important  she  was  to  us  all  while  she  was  still  alive  to  witness  it.    That  got  me
 thinking of the late Duke of Edinburgh and the outpouring of love and thanks that
 was shown after he had died.  Sadly, he could only have wondered how people         October
 really felt about him while he was alive.  My conclusion – we need to give thanks
 and celebrate life at every opportunity, however we can while we are still on the
 ‘journey’, appreciate what we have and look after it, people, and all of creation.      5th   Street Shopping Village
 With blessings, Sandra      6th   Photographic Adventures on the Dorset Coast

             11th   Sandy Milne  -  workshop                           2.00pm

 The Parishes of Bere Regis
 and Affpuddle with      20th   Salt and Pepper Club
 Turnerspuddle join with the      21st   Purbeck Film Festival evening in Briantspuddle Village
 nation and Commonwealth   Hall.  “Operation Mincemeat” (rating 12A)
 in passing on our      26th  Bridport
 condolences and prayers
 to HM King Charles II and         November
 the Royal Family as we      3rd   Party to Celebrate 50 years
 continue to mourn the
 death of HM Queen      9th   Haskins and HobbyCraft
 Elizabeth II.
              15th   Coral Gardener  -  Christmas Open Demonstration at   2.00pm
 We give thanks to God for   Tarrant Keynston Village Hall
 her life of faithful service       SP   17th   Salt and Pepper Club

 and her dedication to duty.
              23rd   Winchester

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