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October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       BERE REGIS                                                                           DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
       SURGERY NEWS                                                                         Cost of living help

                                                                                            The  link  below  will  connect  you  to  a
        New GP’s                                                                            site  which  will  sign-post  residents  to
        We have 2 new GP’s working with us for the                                          webpages  which  we  hope  will  help
        next few months.                                                                    people  impacted  by the cost-of-living
        Dr  Charles  Black  is  a  ST2  Doctors  who  is
        training to be a GP and Dr Nikki Read who has just finished her GP training and
        will be working with us on Fridays.                                                 cost-of-living-help .

                             Flu clinics                                                    Dorset Council secures
                                                                                            funding to improve electric vehicle infrastructure in rural
                             Our flu clinics are booking up fast.
                             If you are 50 + years or have a long term condition you
                             are eligible for a flu vaccination.                            Dorset  has  been  announced  as  one  of  just  nine  areas  in  England  to  receive
                                                                                            funding from a new government scheme which aims to improve electric vehicle
        Please phone Reception on 01929 471268 to book your jab                             (EV)  charging  infrastructure.  The  funding  comes  from  the  new  Local  Electric
                                                                                            Vehicle  Infrastructure  (LEVI)  pilot  scheme,  through  which  we  have  managed  to
        Our nurses will contact parents of children eligible for the nasal flu.                                                       secure £2.7million to increase the
                                                                                                                                      number  of  EV  charge  points  in
                                                                                                                                      the council area
                                                                                                                                      The  project  will  serve  a  broad
        Mechelle  has  restarted  her  monthly  Carers  meetings  at  the  Scout  Hut.  Please                                        range of users, primarily targeting
        contact her at the Surgery if you would like further details                                                                  residents  without  access  to  off-
                                                                                                                                      street parking, while also meeting
                                                                                                                                      demand for en-route charging to
                                                                                                                                      support our tourism trade.
                                                                                                                                      The  project  aims  to  place
                                                                                                                                      chargepoints  in  up  to  150
                                                                                                                                      locations  around  the  county  for
                                                                                                                                      the convenience of residents and
                                                                                                                                      to  encourage  the  take  up  of
                                                                                            electric  vehicles.  This  will  involve  the  council  working  with  local  community
                                                                                            landowners  to  install  charging  infrastructure  in  accessible  locations  which  might
                                                                                            include car parks, community halls, pubs, café’s and shops, as well as possible on-
                                                                                            street locations where suitable.
                                                                                            This pilot will also include a small number rapid or ultra-rapid (50 kW to 150 kW DC)
                                                                                            chargers on or near main roads to support enroute charging. Some chargepoints
                                                                                            will be located at popular tourist locations where both residents and visitors can
                                                                                            access them.

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