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November 2022                                                                       November 2022
       We’re entering the time of remembering in the church season now and there are
       several opportunities for remembering loved ones and those who gave their lives                         CHURCH AND VILLAGE
       in service of others around the benefice.

       Memorial Services will be held on Sunday 6  November at Holy Rood, Wool and          ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS
       Holy Trinity, West Lulworth at 4pm for the West Purbeck Benefice, these services of
       hymns  and  readings  offer  an  opportunity  to  remember  loved  ones  and  to  give
       thanks for their lives.  There will be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of   Association  Contact  Tel    Address       E-mail    Meetings/Info
       your  loved  one  during  the  service.    Afternoon  Tea  and  Coffee  will  be  served
       afterwards.  ‘The pain of parting is a price which all those who love have to pay.
       But the comfort of that love will always remain in precious memories.’
                                                                                           Mobile Library   Dorset  County   01305       dorchestermob  Alternate fortnights   Car
       Armistice Day Service - Everyone from across our benefice is invited to attend an                  Council    224440              ilelibrary@dorse  park
                                                                                                                                                   Mondays 9.20- 9.50
       Armistice  Day  service  beginning  at  10.50am  on  Friday  11th  November  in  St                                                         Fridays 10.50  -  12.15
       George’s Church, Bovington Camp.
                                                                                           Neighbour Car   Amanda    07855               bereregispc@g  Community run transport
       The church is inside Allenby Barracks, and sufficient time to allow to pass through   Scheme       Crocker    396073       option
       security will be needed.  No need to register, but please bring photo ID with you.
                                                                                           Pop in Place   Alison Bennett   472023   3 Rye Hill Close   popinplace@g  Weekly.  Drax Hall
       Remembrance  Sunday  –  13   November  the  usual  services  in  Affpuddle,                                         BH20 7LU   Monday and Friday
       Briantspuddle and Bere Regis will be going ahead, please see the services rota for                                                          10.00  -  12.00
                                                                                           Bere Regis Pre-School      471334   Southbrook   preschool@ber  Providing care and education
       It seems more important than ever that, as our world becomes increasingly more      ‘Pebbles’                       Bere Regis  for children from 2 to 8 years,
                                                                                                                                                   including breakfast club from
       volatile,  we  concentrate  on  this  theme  of  remembering,  both  corporate  and                                 BH20 7DB                7.45 a.m. and after-school club
                                                                                                                                                   until 5 p.m.
       individual, as we confront issues of war and peace, loss and self-sacrifice, memory
       and reconciliation, forgiving and forgetting.                                       Rotary Club of   David King   01929   Hyde Woods, Hyde   david.king@gb
                                                                                                                           Wareham, BH20 7NT
       As  the  seasons  change  and  we  move  into  winter  it  might  help  us  to  remember                                
       there’s  always  something  to  look  forward  to  and  celebrate,  which  is  a  great   Salt and Pepper Lunch   Kim Benjafield   471170   6 Bitchams Mead   kimbenjy@yah  Monthly, Scout Hut, 3rd
       reminder of how much God loves us and how much we should look after each            Club                                   Thursday. 12.30p.m.
       other and our wonderful world.
                                                                                           Twinning Association   Jackie Ahern   07876      Jackie.ahern@  Meetings and events
       With blessings                                                                                                577012       arranged as and when.
                                                                                           W.I. (Bere Regis)   Mrs Dian Pitts   471322      pitts.dian   Monthly, Bere Regis Sports
       PARISH AND BENEFICE NEWS                                                                                                                    3rd Wednesday @ 7.30 pm
                                                                                           Sanctuary Flower Guild  Mrs Diane   472331      edmonds473@
                                                                                           (church flower   Edmonds            
       Thank you                                                                           arrangers)
                                                                                           Hedgehogs  -  support,   Mrs Sue Aldous   07720         Bere Regis’ resident expert
       Harvest                                                                             advice and rescue         266346                        on all things hedgehog
       Services of Harvest Thanksgivings were held at St Laurence’s Affpuddle and at St    First Thursday Club   Sylvia Bayliss   472697      sbayliss194@ou  1st Thursday at 2.30pm at
       John the Baptist, Bere Regis.  Thank you to our Lay Worship Leaders, Sarah Welton                                          the Scout Hut
       and  Mike  Menzies  for  leading  these  services.    The  churches  were  beautifully             Sue Stone   472083             susan97stone@
       decorated,  so  thank  you  to  all  involved  with  that.    At  Affpuddle  Mike  had                                  
       arranged for a few local farmers to come and tell us about their harvest, it was
       really  interesting  to  hear  things  from  a  local  perspective  and  how  they  had  all

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