Page 40 - br-nov-2020
P. 40

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

       DAME JUDI DENCH TO JUDGE                                                            DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
                                                                                           Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
       IN AID OF ENDANGERED BARN OWLS AT                                                   businesses so you don’t have to.
       BERE MARSH FARM                                                                     For more information visit or
                                                                                           call 08454 040506.
                                                                                           To report or seek advice about problems you have
       Hundreds of Dorset schoolchildren wanting to                                        experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
       save the endangered Barn Owls at Bere Marsh
       Farm have had a dramatic boost to their new
       poetry  and  performance  competition  from
       one of Britain’s most illustrious and decorated                                      Selling fireworks safely
       actresses, Dame Judi Dench.                                                          Guy  Fawkes  night  is  approaching,
                                                                                            and  many  businesses  are  taking
       The Oscar and BAFTA awards winning star has
       thrilled  youngsters  and  teachers  at  schools                                     delivery of fireworks ready to supply
       throughout  the  Blandford  and  Sturminster                                         their  customers.  Did  you  know  the
       Newton areas by agreeing to judge the ‘Icons                                         Explosives  Regulations  2014  require
       in  the  Landscape’  competition  in  support  of                                    businesses  storing  fireworks  and
       the fund raising campaign to replace the roof                                        other  explosives  to  have  a  licence
       on  the  beloved  owls’  tumbledown  home  in                                        and to store fireworks safely?
       which they have nested and reared young for over 20 years.                           Trading  Standards  grant  licences
       ‘It is no exaggeration to say excitement levels are through the roof,’ says Charlotte   according to the amount and type
       Weatherley,  Assistant  Head  of  Knighton  House  School  and  creator  of  the  Icons   of  explosive  a  business  wants  to
       competition which launches this week.                                                store.  Most  fireworks  sold  to
                                                                                            consumers  are  classed  as  ‘hazard
       ‘We are absolutely delighted by Dame Judi’s wonderful gesture of support as she      type 4’ and a licence from us allows
       will be offering her expertise to our young writers and performers and casting an    storage of up to 250kg of net explosive content. We also inspect business premises
       expert gaze over their efforts.                                                      to ensure the proposed store is safe and compliant.
       ‘At  Knighton  House  and,  indeed,  throughout  all  of  Dorset,  we  take  our  learning   The  outer  transport  packaging  that  fireworks  are  delivered  to  shops  in  help  to
       very seriously. What we learn is as important as how we learn it. In the very varied   keep fireworks safe. Ideally in shops fireworks should be kept in those same closed
       roles she has played and her resilience under difficult circumstances, Dame Judi     transport  packages  inside  a  locked  storeroom  that  is  used  exclusively  for  the
       Dench personifies the learner all pupils aspire to be.’                              storage of fireworks. It sounds obvious but fireworks should be stored away from
                                                                                            combustible material such as cigarette lighters, but that includes other sources of
       The competition, which has a junior section for youngsters in the 7-11 age group     ignition such as electrical fuse boards.
       and a senior category open to those aged between 12-14, requires entrants to
       write, perform and record a poem inspired by the term, Icons in  the Landscape.      If a dedicated locked storeroom is not available then fireworks should be stored in
       They can, if they wish, ask someone else to perform it or be joined by others in their   their  closed  transport  packaging  away  from  the  sales  area  in  a  fire-resistant
       own performance.                                                                     cabinet,  container,  or  suitable  cage.  A  lesser  amount  of  fireworks  can  be
                                                                                            displayed in a suitable display case in the shop floor area for customers to see,
       It is open to all the schools in the Blandford Schools Network, including Bryanston,   but no fireworks should be on display for sale outside of any shop display case.
       Knighton House, The Blandford School and eight local primary schools, as well as
       five  specially  invited  schools  including  Sturminster  Newton  High,  William  Barnes   It is also right to remember that it is illegal to sell fireworks or sparklers to any person
       Primary,  St  Nicholas  Primary,  Clayesmore  School  (Prep  and  Senior  School)  and   under the age of 18 years old.

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