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November 2020                                                                       November 2020

        BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                                        CHURCH AND VILLAGE

                                                                                            ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS
       From the Bishop of Sherborne,
       Karen Gorham
                                                                                           Association  Contact  Tel       Address      E-mail     Meetings/Info
       November  is  a  time  for  remembrance
       and  11am  on  11   is  always  a  poignant
       time  as  the nation  stops  for 2  minutes  to                                     Ancient Order of   Andrew Jones      19 Louise Road,   andrew@jones  Monthly Turberville Court
       remember those who have lost their lives                                            Foresters Court                 Dorchester, DT1 2LT  1st Monday  -  7.30 pm
                                                                                           Prospect 6575                                uk
       in war. Last month I was walking by the South West Coastal path in Dorset, and I
       heard two boys speaking as they were running towards the cliff edge, what they      Autumn Leaves   Sylvia Bayliss   472697      sbayliss194@ou  Monthly  - Scout Hut
                                                                                                                                 2nd Wednesday @ 2.30 pm
       said shocked me. One warned the other not to go too close to the edge of the
       cliff, and the other said ‘What a perfect way to die!’ They then proceeded to sing   Bere Regis Bell Ringers   Adrian   471774              Normal practice night  -
       a song by  Alicia Keys.  That song itself is about a victim  of gun crime, about his               Standfield                               Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to
       death and those left behind. It is interesting that if you put the words of the song               Jenny Clifford                           7.30 p.m.
       into a certain search engine, the number for the Samaritans comes up on screen.
                                                                                           Bere Regis Book Group   Janet Gilpin   01929            First Tuesday of the month
       What is life, when we have become somewhat immune to death? It is tragic that                                 471829                        at 2.30 p.m.. Various
       even children are wondering what the point of it all is and when we look back at
       the numbers of those killed in war – 20 million in the first world war, and 70  – 85   Bere Regis Primary   Rachael Brown  471334   Southbrook   office@berereg  Pre-school and Primary
       million in the second world war, and 17 million in the holocaust, it is easy to skate   School and Pre-School   -  Headteacher   Bere Regis   School for pupils aged 2+
                                                                                                                           BH20 7DB                to 11 years
       over them.
                                                                                           Bere Regis Floral Group  Sue Stone   472083   97 North Street, Bere   susan97stone@  2nd Tuesday at
       Covid-19 is making us all think, and I hope it helps us think differently. So far over 1                            Regis, BH20 7LD   Winterborne Kingston
       million  people  have  died,  and  every  death  is  someone’s  child,  parent,                                                             village hall
       grandparent,  brother  or  sister.  Life  is  precious  as  we  protect  ourselves,  and  our
                                                                                           Bere Regis Gardening    Sue Stone   472083   97 North Street, Bere   susan97stone@  Monthly.  Drax Hall
       neighbours particularly the elderly and the most vulnerable. Everyone is made in    Club                            Regis, BH20 7LD   1st Tuesday.  7.30 p.m.
       God’s image, and death is definitely not nothing at all, as we are discovering as
       we  anger  over  not  being  able  to  visit  loved  ones  in  nursing  homes  and  are  so   Bere Regis Strollers   Lynda Crisford   471180   11 Bitchams Mead   Michael.crisfor  Every Tuesday 10.30 a.m.
                                                                                                                           BH20 7ND     d@btinternet.c  Bere Regis Car Park
       grateful to those who have held hands of relatives dying in hospital.                                                            om
       Many  have  found  comfort  at  such  a  time  from  a  prayer,  anointing  with  oil  or   Bere Regis Junior   Pat Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage,   peterwharf@bti  Second Sunday of every
       holding  a  cross  in  their  hands,  because  God’s  love  promises  much  more  than   Church                     West Street   month in Church 10.000-
                                                                                                                                                   11.00 a.m.
       sentimental  songs.  Christians  stand  alongside  those  in  the  trenches,  those  in
       hospital, those at the graveside because life is precious, death is hard and hope   Bere Regis Parish   Ian Ventham   471480   Wateredge, 5A      Monthly, Drax Hall
                                                                                           Council        Chairman         Shitterton,             2nd Thursday
       eternal.                                                                                                            BH20 7HU
       Let us take the opportunity to make November a month when we truly remember         Bere Regis Sports Club   Andy Kent   471079   94 North Street   andy@contact.  Village football and cricket
       everyone who had died and enable our local communities to remember too, not         Cricket        Herbie Swann   472812   teams for all ages
       just  with  the  sounds  of  bugles  and  silence,  but  by  reminding  people  of  God’s   Football
       promises, that everyone is special and ‘that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor   Bere Regis Swimming   Bob Holman   01305   Camelot, Affpuddle   bobdiholman@  5.15 p.m.—7.00 p.m. at the
                                                                                           club                      848262   DT2 7HH   Purbeck Leisure Centre,
       rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth,                                                          Wareham
       nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God
       in Christ Jesus our Lord’. Romans 8:38,39                                           Bere Regis Wildlife   Tony Bates   471563   The Beeches,   tonybates19@g  Meetings arranged as and
                                                                                           Group                           Barrow Hill   when
                                                                                                          Mike Gee   07759              mike.n.g@outlo

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