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May 2024                                                                             May 2024

                                                                                           fared so well. You can do your bit to help butterflies – plant nectar rich flowers to
                                                                                           provide food and allow some parts of your garden to go wild where eggs may be
                                                                                           laid and caterpillars can feast. More advice and information can be found on the
                                                                                           Butterfly Conservation website.

                                                                                           Souls Moor Ponies

                                                                                           The  ponies  should be returning  to Souls  Moor during this  month to continue  their
                                                                                           summer  grazing  of  the  meadow.  Do  say  “hello”  to  them  when  you  pass,  but
                                                                                           please do not feed them or approach them and keep dogs on a lead.  They are
                                                                                           there to continue their good nature conservation work. The benefits of their past
                                                                                           grazing are already apparent with a reduction in the longer rank vegetation and
                                                                                           the appearance of a range of more interesting and varied plants and wildflowers.
                                                                                           These  include  the  bright  yellow  marsh  marigolds,  along  with  pink  campion,
                                                                                           meadow buttercup, orchids, sorrel, ragged robin, comfrey and lady’s smock / the
                                                                                           cuckoo flower. The ponies have ready access to water  (there is a pond on site)
                                                                                           and are regularly checked by the owner.

                                                                                           Nature Sightings

                                                                                           We  would be  very  interested to hear  of your  local  wildlife  sightings  (common  or
                                                                                           unusual),  so  as  to  build  up  a  picture  of  what  is  about  and  when  it  first  arrives  /

                                                                                           Contact Us
                                                                                           If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
                                                                                           included on our mailing list, please contact:
                                                                                           Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or
                                                                                           Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.

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