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May 2024                                                                             May 2024
       And, of course, we have experienced our own emotional farewell in our parishes
       of Bere Regis and Affpuddle, and indeed across the West Purbeck Benefice, as we
       have  said  farewell  to  our  wonderful  Associate  Priest  Sandra  and  her  husband      4th     Seaton and the Donkey Sanctuary  £12            9.30am
       Graham. Another railway station experience! We wish them well in a new phase of
       life in retirement and send much love and our prayers with them.
                                                                                                   6th     80  anniversary of D Day Tea Looking back and
       Looking ahead from now:  as  Vicar of this benefice it is my intention to continue    1TC           remembering with War time favourites from Music
       our  current  pattern  of  regular  worship  in  Bere  Regis  and  Affpuddle;  for  our             craft
       churches  to  continue  to  be  available  to  offer  baptisms,  weddings  and  funerals
       and  to  continue  to  respond  to  pastoral  needs  in  our  parishes.  When  any  such      11th   Denise Jones  -  Summer Madness
       need  arises  please  be  in  touch  with  me:  01929  792633.  07711701910  or I am very grateful to our Lay Worship Leaders and Lay

       Pastoral Assistants who are all listed in the Benefice and Parish News section later   PC   13th    Parish Council meeting, Village Hall            7.00pm
       in the magazine, who will enable this, alongside the clergy team, to happen. We
       look  forward  to  the future –  not  knowing  quite  what it will  bring  – but  confident      14th   Scout Duck Race,  at the Scout Hut.
       that the God of departures and arrivals will lead us.
       With my love and prayers,                                                               SP   20th   Chicken and leek pie, Eton Mess

       The Revd Canon Ricard Bartlett

       Vicar of the West Purbeck Benefice                                                    FN    25th

                                                                                                   26th    Sidmouth  £12                                   9.30am

       THANK YOU
       Palm Sunday                                                                                 7th    American tea with a talk by Pip Evans and the Bere
                                                                                              1TC         Essentials talking and performing American Music
       It was lovely to welcome the benefice to the Palm Sunday service at Bere Regis.
       We  started  outside,  with  our  palm  crosses,  and  then  processed  into  church        9th    Mystery tour and lunch  £10                      9.30am
       singing,  for  the  rest  of  the  service,  which  included  a  dramatic  reading  of  the
       Passion – the arrest, trial and death of Jesus.
                                                                                                   9th    Julia Harrison  -  Through the Garden Gate
       Thank  you  to  Canzonetta  who  came  in  the  afternoon  for  a  concert  of  Sacred
       Music and thank you to those who provided cakes and served them afterwards.
                                                                                              SP   18th   Pork loin steak, Sticky Toffee pudding

       Easter Celebrations

       Both  churches  looked  beautiful  on  Easter  Sunday  morning  filled  with  floral
       decorations, thank you to all those who gave up their time to arrange the flowers.
       Thank you, also, to those who donated towards the lilies in Bere Regis in memory            24th   Street and Palmers Nursery  £12                  9.00am
       of a loved one.
                                                                                                FN   30th

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