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May 2024                              May 2024

          August      THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and AFFPUDDLE

                           with TURNERSPUDDLE
                              Our                                Our Mission:

    6th   Stetminster Mill and Gillingham £12   9.30am   Vision:    To encourage awareness of the
                              To make         presence of God through worship
       Summer break           Christ’s                      music and the arts;
                              love               To encourage everyone in the

    SP   15th   Soup, cold ham and salads, summer pudding     known in   Christian faith through example,
                              the world           learning and spiritual growth;
                              today and        To make our churches open and
                              to live out      welcoming to all, and supportive
                              his                             of those in need;
                                            To challenge injustice at home and

   FN   27th                                  abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.

          September      LETTER FROM OUR VICAR

     1TC   7th   Shipwrecks of West Bay Selwyn Williams       Dear friends
       Places  of  departure  are  emotional  places.  Have  you  ever  stood  on  a  railway
       station  and  witnessed  emotional  send  offs?  Individuals  or  families  or  groups  of
             people  with  large  amounts  of  luggage  bidding  farewell  to  family  and  friends  –
       hugs and kisses all round, with a promise to return when possible; excitement and
    10th   Martina Coleman  -  Footlights and      possibility for the future, coupled with a sadness for those being left behind.
 Clapperboards   I seem to have been to a lot of railway stations, and airports, and have both been
   SP   part of farewells and have witnessed those of many others as well. I wonder if you
    19th   Roast beef, Apple and blackberry crumble      have  too?  I  sometimes  wonder  what  the  story  might  be  when  I  witness  such
       emotional departures?

       This month in our church calendar we mark one such emotional farewell. Jesus’s
       ascension back to heaven, we will celebrate in our service of Holy Communion  in
             Bere Regis church on Wednesday 8  May at 10.30am. 40 days will have passed
       since  Jesus  rose  from  the  dead  on  Easter  Day;  the  Gospels  tell  us  that  he  has
     FN   28th         appeared to over 500  people in that short time, and now he must return to his
       Father. An emotional farewell – recorded right at the end of Matthew and Luke’s
       Gospels. A farewell that must happen, in order that the  Holy Spirit might come 10
       days later at Pentecost.

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