Page 74 - br-may-2022
P. 74

Mayl 2022                             May 2022

       anniversary.  If anyone has any thoughts photographs and memories for this party
    OBITUARIES   please let me or Sylvia know.
       Going forward and having re-started the group now, the hard work is going to be
 grandchild, granddaughter Rebecca, and they would spend lots of   keeping  going.        It  will  need  support  from  the  village.    It  is  so  good  to  have
 time babysitting and looking after her.
       something to look forward to, to get out and meet friends and make new ones.  It
 In  1999  he  had  his  hips  replaced  for  the  2nd  time,  and  Irene  continued  to   has been so hard during Lockdown and some people are still nervous or have just
 work  while  he  was  recovering,  and  when  she  retired  later  that  year  she   got  out  of  the  habit  of  going  out.    So  get  your  second  booster  and  take  the
 became  poorly,  and  they  never  had  the  chance  to  enjoy  their  retirement   plunge.
 together as they had wished.
       At  the  moment  we  have  a  few  people
 Then  in  September  2001  his  family  was  complete  when  grandson  Matthew   (two  or  three  of  us)  but  we  need  more
 was born.  Sadly, Irene's health deteriorated and she sadly passed away in   help as I will run out of friends.  I would like
 March 2002, twenty years ago yesterday.  The family were pleased she had a   to hear  from  anyone  who  can  give us  a
 few months with Matthew and her last wish to Reg was for him to look after   few hours now and again once a month
 the grandchildren, which is something he did with love, joy and pride and he   with  putting  up  tables  and  making  and
 certainly fulfilled her wishes.    preparing teas.  Please get in touch with
       me  if  you  can  help and I will  try  and  set
 It was tough for him after the loss of Irene, especially with him not being in the   up a Rota of people who can help.  To be
 best of health and lack of mobility, but he kept himself in good spirits with the   comfortable  I  need  about  three  people
 help of so many of his friends here in the village looking out for him.    per meeting.  It is fun very rewarding and I
 Paul,  Maria,  Rebecca  and  Matthew  kept  him  involved  in  their  day  to  day   am  interested  in  people  who  can  help
 lives and he enjoyed his time spent with them and his holidays to Spain and   with entertainment a talk or performance
 the Canary Islands.    for about 40 to 45 minutes.
 Reg loved singing and would spend many hours in his bedroom singing on his   If you have any ideas or thoughts or can help with the resurrection of the Autumn
 karaoke machine and recording the songs that made happy memories from   Leaves  please  contact  me  Susan  Stone  01929  472083  or  mobile  07517  878109
 his  times  at  the  legion  with  Irene.    He  would  look  forward  to  picking    the   email  other ideas to Sylvia Bayliss 01929 472697 email
 gr an dc hi ldren    u p   from   sch ool   at   an y   opportuni ty,
 and was always looking forward to when Matthew was old enough to play
 football  to  carry  on  the  tradition  and  he  would  always  be  there  watching
 him.                                            Quality Tax and

 He loved his family and the work they did for St John ambulance service, and
 was  bursting  with  pride  with  all  their  achievements,  and  none  more  than   KingsBere   Accounting
 when  all  Rebecca’s  hard  work  and  dedication  came  to  fruition  as  she
 qualified to be a paramedic in 2021.   Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all
 Paul  moved  to  Fareham  after  meeting  Sue  and   aspects of accounts and tax
 spent time back and forth to Bere to look after his
 Dad.    Reg  would  also  spend  time  staying  with   Day and evening appointments available
 them,  and  later  after  his  last  time  in  hospital  he
 stayed  permanently  in  Fareham  and  would  look
 forward to his afternoon tea and cake when Sue   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
 came home from work.
 The  only  thing  he  missed  was  the  many  people

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