Page 24 - br-may-2022
P. 24

Mayl 2022                             May 2022

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 Ants   Electrics   Parliament  can  be  a  place  of  modernity  and   development  using  the  latest  technology,  as

 My mother wasn't pleased at all   Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’   when President Zelensky zoomed in to the Chamber
        of  the  House  of  Commons  to  deliver  a  speech  in
 when I kept leaf cutting ants,   experience offering:-   March. But it is also a place of tradition and ancient
 it nearly drove her up the wall   customs, as well as strange terms and phrases.
 when  they  chomped  her  potted    Consumer Unit (fuse   In  May  Parliament  will  be  Prorogued,  which  means
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 plants   that  the  current  session  of  Parliament  comes  to  an
 and  then  there  were  most  awful    Landlords’ Electrical   end.  Before that  happens, there is  a very  traditional
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 scenes    Additions and   ceremony  in  the  House  of  Lords,  with  various
 when she served me with my lunch,   Alterations to Existing   important people like the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Sergeant
 for I would pass them all my greens   Installations   at Arms doffing their caps at each other. Once the official ceremony has been
        completed, Members of the House of Commons leave the Chamber, and return
 which  they  would  munch  and    Portable Appliance   to  their  constituencies.  A  few  days  later  there  will  be  the  State  Opening  of
 munch.   Testing   Parliament.
 Chris Nother   No VAT – Fully Insured
 Part P Compliant   We  don’t  know  yet  whether  the  Queen  will  read  the  Queen’s  speech,  or
        whether  it  will  be  a  representative  on  her  behalf;  possibly  the  Prince  of  Wales
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 All Work Guaranteed   who accompanied her last year. One of my colleagues from the Whips’ office
        will  be  required  to  go  to  Buckingham  Palace  before  the  Queen  arrives  in
        Parliament. He will then be kept “hostage” under guard, until the Queen returns
        safely  back  from  Parliament.  This  tradition  has  been  kept  since  the  time  of
        Charles  1 ,  to  ensure  that  the  monarch  does  not  come  to  any  harm  whilst
        attending Parliament.  Parliament will also be searched before she arrives – not
        only by expert sniffer dogs and police, but also ceremonially by Yeoman of the
        Guard  who  will  search  the  cellars  in  case  there  is  a  modern-day  Guy  Fawkes
        hiding below.
        The Queen's speech is read in the House of Lords – and there will be a limited
        number of Members of Parliament sitting in the gallery and the rest of us will be
                                        crowded  in  to  stand  in  "at  the  bar"  of  the
                                        Chamber.  The  speech  is  written  by  the
                                        Government, and details the Bills we will be
                                        bringing forward in the coming year.  Later
                                        that  day,  the  MPs  return  to  the  House  of
                                        Commons  where  we  will  debate  the
                                        Queen's speech.  These debates usually last
                                        for several days, and will be on a variety of
                                        issues  that  have  been  outlined  in  the
                                        speech.  At  the  end  of  the  debates,  there
                                        will  be  a  vote  on  the  speech  and  its
                                        Whereas  Queen  Victoria  did  not  attend

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