Page 68 - br-may-2021
P. 68

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       Southover Woods Campsite
       An  enforcement  investigation  is  underway  at  Dorset  Council  as  concerns  have
       been  raised  that  this  campsite  is  not  general  permitted  development  and
       therefore planning permission should be sought.
       The Parish Council has now received correspondence regarding the promotion of
       campfires  at  the  site.  Councillors  are  concerned  that  there  is  a  serious  risk  of
       woodland fires if this is not carefully managed. It was agreed that these concerns
       would be passed to the enforcement team at Dorset Council.

       Throop Hollow Campsite
       A  Parish  Councillor  has  been  appointed  to  liaise  with  the  Landowner.    The
       intention is to work through concerns that have been expressed by Parishioners to
       the Parish Council.  Several matters have so far been raised with the site owner
       and the Parish Council is hoping for a positive response.

       Southover Farm Slurry Lagoon

       It  is  a  condition  of  the  planning  permission  that  a  community  liaison  group  be
       established  to  meet  twice  a  year  with  the  Landowner.    The  Parish  Councils
       affected by the development, Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle and Puddletown Area
       Parish Council, have agreed a joint letter to the Landowner making suggestions
       about how the group might be best formed together with a need for a Chairman.
       Councillor Lizzie Guinn has been nominated to represent our Parish Council.
       Under the planning condition the Landowner will need to submit a proposal for
       the  establishment  of  the  group  to  Dorset  Council  for approval.    It  is  very  much
       hoped  that  in  doing  so  the  preferences  submitted  to  the  Landowner  jointly  by
       both Parish Councils will be taken into consideration.

       Dorset and East Devon National Park
       The  proposal  for  a  National
       Park  is  to  be  debated  in
       parliament  shortly.  The  map
       showing  the  extent  of  the
       proposed  National  Park  in
       Dorset   includes   all   the
       AONB’s  as  well  as  what
       remains  of  Egdon  Heath
       (extending  up  to  the  A35).
       The Parish Council agreed to

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