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March 2024                                                                          March 2024

       sitting  next  to  them  and  the  Associate  countries  put  up  a  very  good  fight  –  we          April
       watched Ireland play the UAE, it was thrilling and a very close game.  When we
       were back home, we were asked, would you have liked longer, would you live out              2nd        Fuschias my way  -  Derek Dexter
       there?  Yes, we would have liked longer, but no, I wouldn’t want to live out there.
       Apart from the obvious pull of family ties here, what is different and extraordinary      1TC   4th    Bere Regis Scouts explore Borneo Julian Lightfoot
       for a while might somehow become normal and routine which would be a shame
       and  also being away  from  the  UK  always  makes  me  appreciate it  more when I          9th        The Range and Poole Quay £10                 9.30am
       come home.  When we were first married, we spent almost a year living in Hong
       Kong, I can still vividly remember that February morning that we arrived back at            9th        Spring in a Ring, Sandy Miles (workshop)     2.00pm
       Heathrow, the air was crisp and clean, unlike anything else we’d experienced in
       Asia.  So, change is good for us, whether it’s to remind us of what is good in our

       lives, or to give us new and exciting challenges, or perhaps wake us up from the    PC      11th       Parish Council meeting, Village Hall         7.00pm
       being stuck in the same old routine.
       And speaking of change...                                                                   17th       Annual meeting

       You may have heard already, but I have decided to retire at the end of April, and     SP    18th       Beef cobbler          Lemon roulade
       this  will  mean  a move  away  for us.   One  of our exciting new challenges  will  be
       keeping youngest grandson happy when his mum goes back to work, so a familiar
       routine in some ways, but lots of fun!                                                      24th       Bridport and Weymouth  £10                   9.30am
       Of  course,  the  festival  of                                                           FN   30th     Stan Graham, Nigel Waite, Jay Parrack        7.30pm
       Easter  was  a  time  of  great
       change    for   those   early
       Christians,  a  time  when  the                                                                         May
       sorrow  of Good  Friday,  when
       Jesus  died  on  the  cross,  was                                                           2nd         Dorset Town and Parish Council Elections
       transformed to the joy of new
       life  when  Jesus  rose  again
       three  days  later.    As  you                                                          1TC   2nd       Real Dorset Jonathan Woolcott
       break  open  your  Easter  Eggs
       on  Easter  Sunday  morning,
       perhaps  you  will  think  about                                                            7th         Church visits and lunch  £10               10.00am
       Jesus  and  that  empty  tomb
       and thank him for the sacrifice he made because it’s as relevant for us now as it
       was for those first Christians and it’s a message worth shouting from the roof tops –   PC   9th        Parish Council AGM, Village Hall           7.00pm
       Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
       That’s a change worth holding on to!                                                        11th        Plant Sale, Honeycombe Cottage, Shitterton
       A very happy Easter to you all                                                              14th        Day out and venue to be decided

                                                                                               SP   16th       Soup, Hot Gammon,  Crème Brulee

                                                                                                   22nd        Romsey and the New Forest  £12             9.30am

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