Page 13 - br-mar-2022
P. 13

March 2022                            March 2022
               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS

 A date for your diaries, on Friday 3  June a Barn Dance / Ceilidh, with supper, will   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
 be  held  in  partnership  with  the  Bladen  Social  Club,  as  part  of  the  village
 celebrations of the Queen’s Jubilee. We hope that this can be an occasion when
 we can not only celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, but also the end of the   Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our full
 restrictions imposed by the Covid pandemic.
       time Youth Worker, John Williams.
 A  group  of  villagers  have  joined  together  to  coordinate  the  celebrations,  they
 look  forward  to  welcoming  ideas  and  proposals  for  any  events  that  villagers    Our services also go out live on You Tube
 would like to suggest. More details, including contacts, will follow shortly, look out   Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 for information on the notice boards and in the parish magazine.
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.
 Jubilee Coordinating Group Convener, Allan Smith
       Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group,  contact Suzie on

       Spring is in the air!  How lovely it has been to see the crocuses suddenly bursting
       into bloom and gradually other flowers poking up through the soil.  At the time of
       writing we are expecting severe storms,  yet these little wonders seem to survive,
       and return to give us pleasure with their beauty. We are blessed to live in such a
       lovely village, surrounded by many examples of God’s creation.
       Many people in other parts of the world are not so fortunate, some who have no
       homes or shelter.  I was interested to read the following article about a company
       that is seeking to help those living in refugee camps, with none of the amenities
       we take for granted.
          “ The United Nations has contracted Israeli start up company, Home Biogas, to
       make the lives of refugees in several camps across  Africa a little safer and more
       hygienic.  The renewable energy company produces small scale, off-grid systems
       that turn  organic waste, such  as food scraps, animal  manure,  and  even human
                                                  waste,  into  clean,  renewable
                                                  energy,  providing  much  needed
                                                  cooking  fuel  in  conditions  where
                                                  electricity is an unheard of luxury.
                                                  The   Home    Biogas   system
                                                  comprises  a  ‘digester  tank’,
                                                  (which  looks  like  a  very  large
                                                  canvas bag) containing bacteria
                                                  that  breaks  down  leftovers  and
                                                  toilet  waste  in  a  process  known
                                                  as  anaerobic  digestion.    The
                                                  result?    Biogas  such  as  methane
                                                  that flows via a pipe to a kitchen

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