Page 12 - br-mar-2022
P. 12

March 2022                                                                          March 2022


       Earlier  this  week  I  was  asked  by  a  group  of
       Year 7 school pupils what church was ‘for’ and
       what it was ‘like’. I responded that church was
       ‘a  rehearsal  space  for  the  kingdom  of
       heaven’,    following  this  somewhat  baffling
       description  by  explaining  how  my  favourite
       part  of  secondary  school  was  the  annual
       school  play:  the  thrill  of  belonging  to  a  cast
       and  working  together  for  a  final  production.
       The  plays  and  musicals  (Bugsy  Malone  being
       my first, I recall) were like a heightened version
       of  everyday  life  and  rehearsing  them  took                                                                839209
       much commitment, collaboration, and hilarity.
       Church does seem to me almost like that: the place where we enact the drama
       of salvation, learning the words and ways that help us to know and play our part
       in the Christian story. The congregation isn’t the audience but invited into the cast
       – just as Jesus called disciples not simply to watch and appreciate him, but to ‘go
       and do likewise’.
       Lent  is  offered  as  a  time  of  intensive  practice  for  Christ’s  coming  Kingdom:  a
       season  for  adopting,  or  deepening,  the  habits  of faith  and  learning  our  role  as
       Christians  before  a  watching  world.  These  weeks,  culminating  in  the  dramatic
       events  of  Passiontide  and  Easter,  ask  a  great  deal  from  us,  but  are  eternally
       rewarding. See you at rehearsals!

       With the assurance of my prayers,

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