Page 32 - br-march-2020
P. 32

March 2020                                                                          March 2020

       BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP                                                              supporting  Dorset  farmers  who  are  an  important  part  of  our  business  economy
                                                                                           and natural environment too.
                                                                                           Sometimes a business’ behaviour is so bad that we do need to take formal action
        Explorer News                                                                      to  protect  people  and  to  act  as  a  punishment  and  deterrent  to  others.  Our
                                                                                           prosecutions are usually reported in the local press, recent examples being rogue
        There’s been lots of interesting and varied activities on the Explorer programme   doorstep trading and animal welfare.
        since the beginning of 2020 including ice skating at the BIC, a ‘nonsense tents’
        team challenge night, Chinese New Year cooking, Scottish dancing and haggis        Many of you reading this will go about your daily lives buying goods and services
        evening,  Black  Hill  mystery  challenge  and  the  Network  Scout’s  ‘A  Winning   from businesses without a bad experience. That’s because we work often unseen
        Combination’  teamwork  night.  There’s  always  something  new  to  learn  or     in the background with the aim of keeping you protected.
        experience at our activity nights.
                                                                                           If you do however see unfair or unsafe trading that you’d like to report to Trading
                                                                   A     District          Standards then call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06.

                                                                   E x p l o r e r
                                                                   C  a   m  p
                                                                   b a s e d
                                                                   around  the              BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY
                                                                   ‘ D a v e ’
                                                                   c h a n n e l ’ s
                                                                   ‘Taskmaster’             We had our first meeting of the new year on 22 January at
                                                                   series   took            the Village Hall, North Street. In December the Archaeology
                                                                   place at the             Section made its biggest discovery so far - a 2.4km (1.5 mile)
                                                                   e n d    o f             long section of Roman Road linking Woodbury Hill with the
                                                                   January and              already-known Roman Road in the north of the parish. The
                                                                   w     a    s             discovery using maps and photographs was followed by the
        attended by several Kingsbere Explorers, Network Scouts and Leaders. Lots of        showing of a "spike-auger" device which has been used to establish that at one
        weird and wonderful ‘taskmaster’ style activities, a great campfire and yummy       point  there  is  a  flattish  surface  about  half  a  metre  down.  This  process  will  be
        food were enjoyed by all! Our summer camp this year will take the form of a         repeated in other places to confirm the exact position of the newly-discovered
        canal  boat  voyage  around  the  Braunston  Ring  in  the  Midlands  –  a  new  and   road.
        exciting experience for many of the young people and leaders taking part.
                                                                                            Part of the original work involved looking at fields in the parish and it was while
                                                                                            studying old maps that a smallish field, well penned originally, is thought to have
                                                                                            been  the  place  were  sheep  were  enclosed  before  the  Fairs  on  Woodbury  Hill
        DofE News
                                                                                                                          before being led to the north of that hill. Just in
        Congratulations  to  one  of  our  Explorers,  Will  Rogers,  who  has  completed  his                            the same way that before the Fair, horses were
        Gold  DofE  award.  Will  is  the  first  Kingsbere  member  to  achieve  this  award                             corralled at Bere Heath. Both groups of animals
        before his 18th birthday! Big congratulations to Will – very well deserved!                                       were cared for and fed well so that they were
                                                                                                                          in  top  condition  before  they  were  offered  for
        We  are  planning  a  Silver  assessed  expedition  in  the  Easter  holidays  in  West                           sale.
        Dorset and there will be more Bronze and Silver expeditions during the summer
        months  being  organised  with  other  District                                                                   We  have  also  established  Society  practice  to
        Explorer Units.                                                                                                   more carefully label donations of items to the
                                                       Borneo Breakfasts:                                                 Society.  This  involves  a  postcard-sized  tag

                                                       Saturday 7th March                                                 which  will  be  attached  to  any  items  gifted  to
        Contact us                                                                                                        us.  Our  long-term  aim  of  having  a  proper
                                                       Saturday 25th April                                                museum was briefly discussed. Initial plans for a
         Neal Unitt-Jones 01929 472273.

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