Page 85 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                            June 2024

 On Sunday 9  June at 11am at St John the Baptist and Regis we hold our annual         July
 Pet Service. Come along with your pet – the more types of animals we have the
 better. The poster for this service later in the magazine shows some of the pets who      7th   American tea with a talk by Pip Evans and the Bere
 came last year. If you haven’t got a pet, come along anyway; and if you have a     1TC   Essentials talking and performing American Music
 photo of a pet you used to have, why not bring that along. We will celebrate the
 love that we share of our animals, the joy they bring to our lives, and remember      9th   Mystery tour and lunch  £10   9.30am
 our common responsibility to care for them and for God’s world.
 Then  from  Friday  21   –  Sunday  23   June  we  will  hold  our  Flower  Festival  at  St      9th   Julia Harrison  -  Through the Garden Gate
 Laurence  Church  Affpuddle.  Celebrating  the  beauty  of  the  natural  creation  all
 around  us,  particularly  in  flowers.  We  will  hold  a  service  of  Holy  Communion  at
 9am on Sunday 23  June – in the midst of the beauty of all those flowers – to thank      PC   11th
 God for this beauty, and commit ourselves to care for creation.        JC   14th   Sea Sunday
 In  these  two services  we will  be  putting into  action  the    final verse of ‘All  things
 bright and beautiful’:       SP   18th   Pork loin steak, Sticky Toffee pudding
 He gave us eyes to see them,
 And lips that we might tell      17th   A Year in the Life of a Beehive  -  Hilary Green
 How great is God Almighty,
 Who has made all things well.      24th   Street and Palmers Nursery  £12   9.00am
 Come, and join in if you can!
           FN   30th
 With my prayers. Your friend and Vicar,


 Coming up in the parishes…
               6th     Stetminster Mill and Gillingham £12             9.30am
 Pet Service – Sunday 9  June, 11am, St John the Baptist Church Bere Regis. All pets
 and well behaved owners welcome!
 Holy Communion - Wednesday 12  June - 10:30am St John the Baptist, Bere Regis    PC
 Flower  Festival  –  Friday  21   –  Sunday  23   June,  St  Laurence  Church  Affpuddle.         Summer break
 Come and enjoy the beauty of creation in  our beautiful church.
 Benefice Eucharist. Our next joint service for all the churches of the West Purbeck       SP   15th   Soup, cold ham and salads, summer pudding
 Benefice will  be on  Sunday 30   June, 10.30am at  the  Church  of  the  Holy Rood,
 Wool. All are very welcome. Please share lifts together where possible. There will      21st    Soup and Sandwich Lunch and County quiz
 be no other services in the West Purbeck Benefice on this day.
  Continuing…Thursday  Tea  and  Toast  –  St  John  the  Baptist  Church,  8am-11am,

 A drop in Café runs for a couple of hours on a Thursday morning in church, with       FN   27th

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