Page 74 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 74

June  2024                                                                          June 2024

                                                                                                                                  FUNERAL TRIBUTES

                                                                                                             The  family  of  Christopher  are  most  grateful  for  the  support
                                                                                                             given  to  them  by  members  of  the  village  community  and
                                                                                                             also for the fabulous attendance at his memorial service.

                                                                                            Lieutenant Commander Christopher Maunder MBE RN(ret)
                                                                                            Father  was  born  in  Hampstead,  London  on
                                                                                            30  October  1930.  He  was  the  youngest  of
                                                                                            three, Derek his older brother and Pat, who
                                                                                            he  always  referred  to  as  his  ‘big  sis’.  After
                                                                                            Hampstead  the  family  moved  to  Kent  and
                                                                                            settled   in   Snodland,   a   village   near
                                                                                            Maidstone. It was Snodland that formed the
                                                                                            backdrop  to  Dads  wartime  years,  and
                                                                                            where his father owned a shop and a small
                                                                                            printers.   Father   attended   Maidstone
                                                                                            Grammar  School  making  the  journey  twice
                                                                                            a  day  by  steam  train.  This  probably  set  the
                                                                                            foundation of his fascination and love for all
                                                                                            things  steam  powered  that  continued  for
                                                                                            the rest of his life.
                                                                                            As a teenager he would also help out on the
                                                                                            farms  owned  by  family  friends  which  were
                                                                                            located in the local area.
                                                                                            Father, in a similar way to all children who lived in the areas surrounding London
                                                                                            during these wartime years, spent much time watching the enemy planes pass
                                                                                            overhead  enroute  to  bombing  London.  The  dogfights  of  the  Battle  of  Britain
                                                                                            and later the London Blitz formed the backdrop to his early teenage years.
                                                                                            It  was, however,  later in  the  war, with  the  commencement of the V-1 rocket
                                                                                            campaign by the Germans against London and the South-East, that he got to
                                                                                            experience enemy action rather closer than he would have wished.
                                                                                            In  July  1944  Father,  now  aged  13,  experienced  a  very  close  shave.  A  V-1
                                                                                            targeting  London  had  managed  to  fly  into  the  mooring  cable  of  a  local
                                                                                            barrage  balloon  which  was  protecting  the  Maidstone  area.  Father  was  in  a
                                                                                            nearby  field  assisting  with  the  haymaking  and  enjoying  the  excitement  of
                                                                                            seeing a V-1 pulsing its way across the sky. He witnessed it become snagged on
                                                                                            the  mooring  cable.  It  descended  down  the  cable  and  could  have  had

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