Page 73 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 73

June  2024                            June 2024
       were  released  into  the  woodlands.  On  shooting  days  the  “guns”  were  situated
       FUNERAL TRIBUTES   along the edge of the woods and the beaters would be lined up at the opposite
       side. They would proceed in a line parallel to the guns and noisily progress beating
       the  ground,  trees  and  bushes  with  their  sticks,  forcing  the  resident  pheasants
 extremely  dire  consequences  for  the  ladies  in  the  WAAF   towards the guns at the other side of the woods.  When the pheasants reached
 team  in  charge  of  the  balloon.  Their  prompt  and   the edge of the woods they would be forced out into the open. To ensure that the
 courageous  action  in  releasing  the  balloon  from  the   birds  all  left  at  the  same  time,  enabling  the  guns  to  shoot  as  many  as  possible,
 anchoring truck allowed the balloon to fly freely away. The   bushes were planted along the margin of the trees in front of where the guns were
 V-1 now free to continue on its way, lost control & blew up   positioned. Whoever decided that rhododendrons were the answer to the edging
 harmlessly  on  a  nearby  hill.  Unfortunately,  the  balloon,  still   of the pheasant drives I am afraid I don’t know but I am sure that the thoughts of
 trailing its mooring cable, drifted towards Maidstone The dangling cable then   the land owners were influenced by the idea that although the bushes were there
 collided with some nearby high tension power cables causing a huge fireball.   to ensure that the pheasants all left the trees at the same time giving the “guns” a
 The subsequent damage caused loss of power to Maidstone for 24 hours and   great  opportunity  to  shoot  as  many  as  possible  in  the  easiest  way,  they  also
 was always described by father as a win for the Germans!   thought that the use of such colourful bushes would help to appease those who
       were anti shooting.
 Soon after the High Street in Snodland received a direct hit from a V-1, killing 44
 village residents. Dad told us that if it had arrived a few minutes earlier it would   We live in a completely different world today, estate owners are very dependent
 have landed on him as he had just walked down that very street on his way   on the income arrived at either by their own farming enterprises or from the rental
 home!  Hitler seemed to have made Dad a high priority target!   of their agricultural land to other practical farmers. Farming today is so different
       than it was in the days of pheasant shooting
 In  I946,  the  war  having  finished,  Grammar  School  completed  and  Mr  Hitler
 dead,  Father, perhaps taking inspiration from his elder brother, Derek, joined   The aristocracy have entirely different outlooks today. For example a lady of the
 the Royal Navy. Due to his young age of 15 yrs, father joined initially as a Boy   past  wanted  to  rent  a  furnished  house  in  a  small  German  village.  Not  being  a
 Engine  Room  Artificer  Apprentice  or  ‘Boy  Art’  as  they  were  known.  He   German  speaker,  she  contacted  the  local  school  master,  who  spoke  a  little
 subsequently  spent  four  years  undertaking  his  initial  naval  and  technical   English.  She  wanted  to  ask  him  to
 training  at  HMS  CALAEDONIA  in  Rosyth,  before  returning  to  Chatham  naval   enquire  if  the  house  had  a  WC.  The
 dockyard in Kent prior to joining the Fleet.    school  master  contacted  the  local
       pastor, who also spoke a little English.
 It was about this time that Father met our mother, Margaret, who was training
 to be a nurse at Maidstone Opthalmic Hospital. Mum used to tell us stories of   She received the following reply,
 how  she  would  meet  father  and  their  friends  whilst  dancing  at  the  former
 Archbishops  Palace  in  Maidstone.  Soon  after  this  they  became  engaged.   The WC is about seven miles from your
 However  the  Naval  Lordships  intervened  and  Father  was  soon  sent  to  join  a   cottage in the centre of a pine forest.
 ship in Singapore for two years! Mum decided at this point to take a job as a   Amid  lovely  surroundings  and  is  open
       Fridays  and  Tuesdays.  This  is
 children’s nurse to a family that was returning to East Africa. Was this because   unfortunate  for  you  if    you  are  in  the
 her  sweetheart  had been sent  to the  Far  East?  or maybe  a feeling of ‘What   habit of going regularly, but you will no
 was good for the Goose was also good for the Gander’!….the answer to this   doubt be  glad to hear  that a  number
 loaded question is now (thankfully!) lost in the mists of time. However what we   of people take their lunch and make a day of it.
 can say is that after an enforced separation that, by today's standards, would   The accommodation is good and there are about eighty seats. And if you are late
 seem unbelievable , but was then common place, occurring as it did, so soon   there is plenty of standing room A bell is rung ten minutes before the WC is open.
 after the end of the war, they both returned to the UK and in the Spring of 1954
 they were married.   Of course the mistake was that the WC was not a Wesleyan Church but a toilet
 They bought their first house in Maidstone, however, due to his naval service,   On that note I will say goodbye for now and God bless you all for reading this.
 they spent much of the next five years apart. Tim was born in 1959 and even
                                                                        Ted Cox

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