Page 57 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                            June 2024

 than usual influx of painted lady. Perhaps 2024      BERE REGIS
 will  be  the  same?  The  foodplant  for  the
 caterpillars  is  most  commonly  thistle  species.   SURGERY NEWS
 Thistles are absolutely fantastic for a number of
 pollinators.   As  many  of  you  will  know,  our  long
       serving  Receptionist, Lorraine recently
 Zombie fungi?!   retired after working at the Surgery for
       over  20  years.  We  would  like  to  take
 Nature is truly beautiful and yet also had a dark   this opportunity to wish her a long and
 side.  Ophiocordyceps  are  a  species  of  fungi   happy retirement.
 which infect a wide variety of insects including butterflies, moths, ants and flies.
 Many  are  said  to  perform  “mind  control”  on  their  host,  acting  as  puppeteers   We  now  have  a  full  complement  of  staff.  Rebecca  has  joined  our  nurse  team,
 positioning the zombies to infect others.  A  thicket of spiky tendrils in the form of   Rhianna, our new Dispenser, Anisa our Pharmacist and Margaret and Kimberley in
 mushroom  fruiting  bodies emerge  from the  bodies of invertebrates.  This  looks  to   Reception.
 be the case for an unfortunate insect, possibly a yellow dung fly. We didn’t spot   Only order what you need …
 any  others  nearby,  but  it  looks  like  this  individual  certainly  had  an  unpleasant
 ending!   From 3  June there will be a new campaign to encourage patients to only order
       the medication they need for the following month. This campaign which is being
 If  you  would  like  to  get  in  touch,  then  please  email  me:  Daisy  Meadowcroft   run  by  NHS  Dorset  aims  to  reduce  the  amount  of  medication  which  is  wasted     each year.  Posters and reminders follow soon



                                  Our  May  meeting
                                  was  a  talk  on  real
                                  Dorset   by   Jon
                                  Woolcott.  This was
                                  a talk based in his book Real Dorset.  And he took
                                  us  on  a  brief  tour  about  this  adventures  and
                                  discoveries when researching his book.
                                   He  told  us  of  book  called  the  highways  and
                                  byways of Dorset by Sir Frederick Treves, surgeon to
                                  the Elephant Man and the King.  He wrote about
                                  Dorset and it was interesting to re-visit some of the
                                  places  mentioned  in  the  earlier  book.    I  was
                                  fascinated  by  the  tale  of  Holnest  church.    We
                                  heard how Mr. Drax a Member of Parliament of the
                                  time  built a  Mausoleum at  the  church  for  his final
                                  resting  place.    This  building  was  bigger  than  the

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