Page 56 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 56

June  2024                                                                          June 2024

                                   through his photographs, he talked of his work as        BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
                                   a  Press  Photographer.  Although  from  the  West
                                   Country  his  working  life  started  in  Nottingham,    ENVIRONMENT GROUP
                                   working for the  local paper  where is first scoops
                                   were meeting, and snapping, Sophia Loren who
                                   was promoting a new beauty product and Barry             The sun is out (hopefully!), butterflies are on the wing,
                                   Sheen  a  motor  cyclist  at  the  top  of  his  career.   the cuckoo has been heard, the swallows and house
                                   Over  the  years  pictures  of  politicians  –  Maggie   martins have arrived – so, it must be early summer! But
                                   Thatcher  and the Miners -  Anthony Wedgewood            where  are  the  swifts?  Hopefully  we’ll  see  them  soon.
                                   Benn, Edwina Curry to name a few.                        Do let us know if you have a sighting.
       Sport  provided  him  with  continuous  opportunities  with  two  local  football  clubs,   Now  the  weather  has  warmed  up  it’s  a  wonderful  time  of  year  to  be  out  and
       one with Brian Clough, a test cricket ground at Trent Bridge with Ian Botham, an     about and spot the wide range of wildlife interest in and around the village. The
       Ice  Rink  for  Torvill  and  Dean  and    Steve  Ovett  running  in  the  first  ‘Robin  Hood   early Spring flowers such as primrose and bluebell, along with much of the tree
       Marathon’.  Many  more  photos  evoked  memories  for  him  and  us  alike.          blossom  may  be  over.  However,  the  white  flowers  of  the  Guelder  Rose  and
       Unfortunately, one of his last pictures caused him to return to his roots. He was the   Elderflowers can be seen, and there are plenty of flowers in bloom, particularly
       nearest  photographer  when  a  Boeing  737  crashed  on  to  the  M1  motorway  at   those of a purple hue; there are Foxgloves and Pink Campion in the hedgerows
       Kegworth in January 1989. The shots that he and his colleagues were expected to      while in the damper spots along the riverside path you will see Ragged Robin and
       take  decided  him                                                                   Purple  Loosestrife.  In  the  stream  you  will  see  the  dainty  white  flowers  of  Water
       to   change    his                                                                   Crowfoot above their long strands of green weed.
       focus.  He  worked
       for the Dorset Echo
       a n d    l o c a l                                                                   Souls Moor Ponies and their Conservation Work
       magazines.   Now                                                                     The ponies should be back on Souls Moor by mid-June – do say “hello” to them
       retired   he    is                                                                   when you pass, but please do not feed them or approach them and keep dogs
       experimenting  with                                                                  on a lead.  They are there to continue munching through the long rank grasses
       mixed  shots  that                                                                   that built up while the area remained ungrazed. This is all in the interests of good
       i llustrate   how                                                                    nature conservation. The benefits are apparent with an ever widening range of
       industry is affecting                                                                wildflowers,  including  orchids,  cuckoo  flower,  marsh  marigolds,  ragged  robin,
       n a t u r e .    A                                                                   meadow buttercup and pink campion to name a few. Do take a look and, of
       fascinating career!                                                                  course, these flowers are not only attractive but have real wildlife value.

       June’s  meeting  will                                                                For those of you concerned for the ponies’ welfare, be assured they are regularly
       be  an  afternoon                                                                    checked and they have a plentiful supply of water from the pond.
       tea   at   Holme
                                                                                            Glow Worms

                                                                                            Glow worms have been seen along the edges of fields within May’s Wood and at
                                                                                            Wild Woodbury. Take a walk after dusk and you may be rewarded by this natural
                                                                                            wonder. Glow worms are not actually worms, but small beetles. The wingless adult
                                                                                            female  glow  worms  are  known  for  emitting  a  greeny-orange  light  from  their
                                                                                            bottoms  at  night.  They  climb  up  plant  stems  and  glow  in  order  to  attract  the
                                                                                            winged  males,  who  have  large,  photosensitive  eyes  -  perfect  for  scanning
                                                                                            vegetation at night. Adults are only around for a short period in June and July, so
                                                                                            you’ll have to be quick if you want to see this.

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