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SMALL ADS                              July 2022
 July 2022
    KDL Plumbing   Sharon Dobson
 Village Hall
    and Heating   Handmade   Junior Church Service  - Sunday 12th June  -  Trinity Sunday
 Available for Hire for private
 parties or regular meetings.   Immersion Heaters, Taps   Find out how I can help you   John 16: 12 – 16
 Please note that the main Hall is   transform the look of your
 on an upper level, we do   Showers, Toilets, Tanks,    “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.  But when he,
 however  have a chair lift.   home.   the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on
 There is a smaller room also   Radiators and more.   Bespoke handmade curtains
 available for meetings    and alterations, Roman   his  own;  he  will  speak  only  what  he  hears,  and  he  will  tell  you  what  is  yet  to
 The Hall hire cost is £8 per hour for   Call Kevin    blinds, soft furnishings and   come.  14  He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will
 both rooms         0747-512-8249    upholstery projects   make known to you.  All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the
 For hire and booking enquiries      Spirit  will  receive  from  me what  he  will  make  known  to you.”  16  Jesus went  on  to
 please email      (01929) - 448548   07960 459834   say, “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will
 01929 471528         All areas served   see me.”
       At  Junior  Church  this  month
 Toes and Fingers   Purbeck   Problems?   we  looked  at  the  Holy  Trinity,
       which  is  often  a  difficult
 Toe and finger nail   Plumbing      concept  to  understand,  and
       so  we  packed  in  lots  of  fun
 cutting service in your      Email & internet support   visual  activities  for  all  young
 own home   Boiler services,   Wireless networking setup   and  not  so  young  to  enjoy.
 PC and Laptop repairs
 repairs and
 Toe nail cutting £15   installation.  Drains and   Virus and malware removal   Before  the  service  our  young
 Finger nail cutting £12   waste pipes unblocked.     No call-out charge   people  made  lots  of  paper
       people chains and decorated
    Over 20 years’ experience
 Both treatments £18   Call Steve Iles on   Call Alan on :   them  to  look  like  all  different
       characters,   including   our
 Call Kay on    01929 550858   01929 480529   vicar. We drew around one of
 01202 280492 or    07831 312740   07710 835905   are  younger  members  to
 07968 290333   make  a  life  size  people  chain

                                                   of  three  to  represent  the
                                                   Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then
 Interested in   A ‘Small Ad’ like these is only £70 a   attaching  all  these  people
 playing or                                        chains  together  we  created  a
 learning croquet?   year and is a great way for advertisers   circle  representing  one  body
 to ensure that their contact                      that we all belong to under the
 Briantspuddle                                     leadership,   friendship,   and
 information is always to hand for
     Phone:                                        protection of the Holy Trinity.
 potential customers.
 01929 472204                                      Other  representations  we  used
                                                   in the service were Celtic Knots
 07980 258932   The most cost effective form of local   a  colourful  pattern  with  three
 No fees involved.   advertising.                  corners,   and   Rev.   Sandra
                                                   produced  a  three  leaved

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