Page 11 - br-july-2022
P. 11

July 2022                                                                           July 2022

       THANK YOU!                                                                           Jenny Beedle and her team and the social club supported by running the bar at
                                                                                            excellent prices! The hall looked great and many made the effort to dress up for
                                                                                            the evening.

       A  very  big  thank  you  to  all  who  so                                           Saturday  3   started  “early”  for  some  with  an  army  of  volunteers  arriving  at  the
       very  kindly  contributed  towards  my                                               village  hall  to  start  making  the  mountain  of  sandwiches.  We  were  after  all
       garden  tokens  when  I  left  my  post                                              catering for 200!, at just shy of 50% of the parish what an amazing turn out. Cakes
       as  churchwarden  of  St  Laurence’s.                                                and Scones had been made and donated by many in the Parish. We closed the
       My  7  years  in  the  role  have  been                                              road  at  11.00am  and  the  job  to  erect  the  stage  and  get  the  tables  laid  out
       hard  work  with  lots  of  ups  and                                                 started.  The  tables  stretched  nearly  200  feet  from  the  edge  of  the  social  club
       downs,    perhaps  the  hardest  of                                                  nearly to the pathway to the Water meadows.
       which  was  locking  the  church                                                     Mid morning we saw finely dressed pets parade the ring – much chaos ensued
       during the first Covid 19 lock down.                                                 and Leonora took life in hands as she photographed owners and pets.
       I  thought  about  all  the  things  that                                            The  party  started  at  2.00pm  the  street  filled  with  chatter  and  laughter.  The
       had happened during the 800 years                                                    sandwiches were served, and we sat to enjoy the afternoon tea.
       St  Laurence’s  has  been  there,
       providing a place of peace and sanctuary throughout that time.  It is wonderful      After tea we moved the tables into the ring and the newly formed “Throopettes”
       to see it alive and part of the community again.                                     performed a number of tunes from the last 70 years with words provided so we
                                                                                            could join in with the singing. Huge thanks to the musicians who came together
       During my time as churchwarden, I have been blessed with the help and support        and practiced the week before having not previously played together. The social
       of  so  many  parishioners,  whether  church  attenders  or  not.  There  have  been   club  again  providing  the  bar,  and  as  the  beer  was  consumed  the  chatter
       several changes of clergy but all have been a pleasure to work with.                 continued.
       Mike Menzies has taken over now and I know will be an excellent churchwarden.        Children had dressed up, games were played, Zimmer frames raced around the
       Once again, thank you all.                                                           ring.

                                                               Elizabeth Whatley            The BBQ was lit at 7.00 and sausages and burgers “slowly” cooked but eventually
                                                                                            everyone had been fed. Dancing in the road ensued and we were undeterred
                                                                                            when finally, the weather gave in and dramatic lightning lit our dance floor.

       BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                      Unfortunately,  on  Sunday  the  weather  decided  it  could  hold  off  no  longer  but
                                                                                            with the Marquee provided by Geoff we were undeterred. After a short service of
                                                                                            thanksgiving,  some  great hymn  singing accompanied by  Vivi  on  the Organ  we
                                                                                            partook in our picnics – truly British and as we were reminded it poured with rain
       What is really important?                                                            on the day of the Coronation.

       This  article  comes  to  you  in  July                                              All in all, a fantastic weekend. It could not have been possible without the many
       (2022). I first learnt that I was on the                                             people who got involved to help. A truly community effort!
       long-list for Bishop of Salisbury in July
       2021. It has been a long year for me;                                                In the words of one parishioner.
       a long year for all of us as so much
       has changed as we have emerged                                                       “All  in  all,  I  think  Briantspuddle  can  be  considered  to  have  done  Her  Majesty
       out  of  the  pandemic  and  into  an                                                proud!”
       economic crisis, with leadership and                                                          Ali Chorley -  just one of many involved in organising a great weekend!.
       integrity in question and sadly, war in
       Europe.                                                                              See the centre pages for a full colour souvenir of the fabulous celebrations

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