Page 16 - BR July 2024
P. 16

July  2024                                                                           July 2024
       Village Meeting                                                                     OVER THE HILL

       Our  village  meeting  will  be  held
       on Saturday 20  July in the Scout                                                   What  a  year  we  are
       Hut.  At  this  event  we  hope  to                                                 having  weather  wise?
       discuss more about our plans for                                                    Weather    forecasting
       progressing  the  Community  Hall                                                   must   be    a   huge
       development,  we  will  hear  from                                                  problem   for   today’s
       DWT about their exciting plans at                                                   meteorologists.   The
       Wild Woodbury, we will show the                                                     c o n d i t i o n s    w e
       proposed    updates   to   the                                                      experience   now   are
       Neighbourhood  Plan  Review,                                                        unbelievable,  when  we
       plus  we  will  have  more  detailed                                                consider  what  we  have
       analysis  of  the  traffic  survey
       responses  and  what  next  steps                                                   in  our  memories  of  our
                                                                                           life of our past. That is of
       we can take.
                                                                                           course   if   you   are
                                                                                           already in your sixties, seventies, eighties or nineties. Presumably those of younger

       Defibrillators                                                                      age groups will not remember times when “climate change” was not considered
                                                                                           to be an issue. Recently I have read several articles written back in the first half of
       As  a  village,  we  are  well  covered  when  it comes  to  defibrillators.  However,  the   the  nineteenth  century,  which  have  mentioned  climate  change  and  with
       three public ones are all operated by different groups and so the Parish Council    suggestions that it could have serious consequences for our planet in the years to
       offered  to  take  over  the  management  of  them  all  in  order  to  ensure  they  are   come.
       always  up  to  date  and  in  working  order  should  they  ever  be  needed.  All  are
       checked regularly but if you do happen to notice anything when you pass one of      I can’t believe that  my  grandparents  would  have believed  that  mankind could
       them, please contact the Clerk.                                                     possibly  have  such  a  worldwide  effect  on  such  a  natural  phenomenon  as  our
                                                                                           weather pattern. When I think back some seventy odd years with me as a child
                                                                                           with  grandparents,  who  had  very  strong  beliefs  in  the  natural  world,  I  can’t

       Conservation and the Environment                                                    imagine what they would be thinking today. Yes, back then we had very hot dry
                                                                                           spells occasionally in summer and very cold spells in winter but these conditions
       Dorset  Council  has  recently  launched  a  climate  and  ecological  emergency    were  never  considered  to  be  man  made  but  acts  of  God.  How  things  have
       strategy to help protect our natural environment and combat climate change.         changed!

                                     Nationally,  the  government  has  asked  each        Today  the  weather  forecaster  is  suggesting  that  our  future  is  almost  completely
                                     county  in  England  to  create  a  Local  Nature     predictable  and  we  are  to  experience  much  higher  temperatures  and  heavier
                                     Recovery Strategy, which is being co-ordinated        rainfall, resulting from the thawing of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic If you turn to
                                     in  Dorset  by  Dorset  Council,  working  with  BCP   your bible, Zechariah 13, verse 3, you will find the following words. “Then if anyone
                                     Council, Natural England and a wide range of          still insists on prophesying, his own father and mother will tell him that he must be
                                     local people and organisations.                       put  to  death,  because  he claimed  to  speak  the  Lord’s  word.”  So  you  see,  you
                                                                                           should not be forecasting the future, even if it is only the weather.
                                     Part of this work is joining people together on a
                                     journey  to  make  space  for  nature  across         As  a  young  lad,  I  spent  many  hours  out  in  the  countryside  picking  the  first
                                     Dorset.  Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  is,  therefore,     bluebells,  primroses,  cowslips,  violets,  columbines,  orchids  (particularly  the  bee
                                     developing  some  online  mapping  and  case          orchid, which was every ones wish to find)   and other wild flowers to take home
                                     studies   to   showcase   the   great   things        to  my  mother  and  grandmother.  In  those  days,  these  practises  were  not  illegal
                                     communities and people are already doing for          and were considered to be the rites of all to practice. We loved the countryside,
                                     nature’s  recovery,  share  experience  and           its plants and animals and  in no way would we have attempted to damage or
                                                                                           destroy any part of it.

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