Page 55 - jul2021
P. 55

July 2021                              July 2021
 Finally  summer  seems  to  have  arrived!  It’s  been
 brilliant to see Dorset businesses being able to open
 up more and welcome visitors back to our area. We
 all  know  that  some  of  Britain’s  best  beaches  are
 here in Dorset, and whilst I do enjoy walking the dog   Bere Regis Floral Group is back!
 along  a  deserted  beach  in  the  rain,  the  bright
 sunshine is very welcome!    We are holding our first meeting since last September.  Area
                          Demonstrator Lucy Ellis from Bratton in Wiltshire has entitled
                          her demonstration Opera Goes to the Movies.

       It sounds exciting!
 I  have  recently  been  to
 visit  some  of  our  local   The  meeting  will  be  on  Tuesday  13   July  at  2pm  at  Winterbourne  Whitechurch
 tourist  sites,  including  the   village hall (note change to usual venue).
 award   winning   South
 Lytchett  Manor  Caravan   Come  along  and  enjoy  a  lovely  flower  arranging  demonstration.    We  look
 and  Camping  park.  They   forward to welcoming members and friends and their friends.
 are  all  working  incredibly
 hard  to  make  their  sites   For all information contact chairman Bob Holman on 01305 848262
 safe  and  welcoming  for
 visitors.  I  know  that  the
 summer   season   brings
 challenges  to  Dorset,  but   BERE REGIS WI
 hundreds  of  business  rely
 on  the  tourist  economy,
 and I am  pleased  to support  them  as  much  as  possible.  Tourism, both  directly   At the time of writing, we’ve just discovered that
 and indirectly, helps to maintain over 46,000 jobs in Dorset, with visitors bringing   our  plans  for  a  ‘We’re  Back’  social  evening  in
 millions of pounds to the local economy.    June have been scuppered by the extension of

 Of  course  the  beaches  bring  people  to  Dorset,  but  so  too  does  our  beautiful   COVID  restrictions.  We’re  crossing  our  fingers
 countryside.  A few years ago I encouraged schools and community groups to   against any further extensions and are aiming to
 sign up to plant trees as part of the Queen’s canopy project. The government   reschedule for Wednesday, 21 July. In the meantime, to cheer ourselves up, here
 are now offering further support for people who want to plant trees. The England   are  some  pictures  of  the  WI  floats  at  what  used  to  be  the  Annual  Bere  Regis
 Woodland Creation Offer provides grants to create woodlands, with extra funds   carnival
 for planting trees near rivers to reduce flooding, and for improving public access   The first picture, in the top left corner is from 1959. Can you guess the dates of the
 to  woodlands.  You  can  find  out  more  here  others from the subject matter?
       For details of future meetings or further information about the WI, please contact
 I  was  really  pleased  to  hear  about  the  new  pet  theft  task  force,  set  up   Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322  or  Moira  Mathers  on  07900  906278.  You  can  see  more
 to  investigate  the  reported  rise  in  pet  theft  since  the  beginning  of   about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.
 lockdown.  We  are  a  nation  of  animal  lovers  and  for  many  people,
 particularly  during  the  lockdown,  pets  have  been  a  source  of  great
 comfort. Sadly there has been an increase in pet theft, and as a dog owner
 myself,  I  know  the  important  part  our  pets  play  in  our  lives.  The  task  force

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