Page 54 - jul2021
P. 54

July 2021                                                                           July 2021

       Chorus                               to Thee”,                                      will take evidence from a variety of organisations including the police, and
                                                                                           make recommendations to reduce this deplorable crime.
       And I can imagine the captain’s      And the boat sank like a stone.
       thoughts,                                                                           Over  the  last  few  years  many  people  have  contacted  me  with  concerns

       As he watched his ship start to go.                                                 about multinational companies avoiding paying tax. I was delighted by the
                                            Against a mighty ocean,                        recent negotiations chaired by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak in London, which
       “Nothing can happen to us”,                                                         has resulted in the G7 finance ministers agreeing global tax reform to ensure
                                            The biggest of vessels is small,               that  multinational  companies  pay  their  share.  We  look  forward  to  seeing
       “We’ve got BS5750”.
                                            And pride can be a nightmare.                  further details and further international agreement.

                                            When it comes before a fall.                   I continue to visit individuals and businesses across the constituency. Several
       The man on the bridge was Smith.                                                    local  businesses  and  charities  benefitted  from  the  Culture  Recovery  Fund,
                                            It may only take a moment,                     including  Twins  FX  based  in  Wareham.  They  have  created  an  incredible
       He must have bristled with pride,
                                            To be scuppered and be gone.
       As the liner ploughed its furrow,
                                            And it’s best, sometimes, to miss a boat,
       Across the ocean wide.
                                            The Titanic to name but one.
       But then, when she hit an ice berg,

       Everything started to groan,
                                            Paul J Openshaw (May 2021)
       As the band played “Nearer My God

                                                                                           DeLorean ready for the new production of Back To The Future Musical which
                                                                                           opens  in  London  in  August.  I  have  to  admit  that  getting  my  hands  on  the
                                                                                           remote control was a 1.21 gigawatt moment!
                                                                                           If you’d like  me  to  visit  your business, charity or community  group, or if  you
                                                                                           need  help  or  support  please  do  get  in  touch  with  my  office
                                                                                             I  send  out  a  regular  email  update  –  you  can  sign  up  on  my  website
                                                                                  where you can also find links
                                                                                           to  the  latest  coronavirus  advice.  Follow  me  on  twitter
                                                                                           @michael4MDNP       or   find   me   on    facebook

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