Page 11 - br-july-2020
P. 11

July 2020                              July 2020

 of the parish. I am somewhat biased as she’s my daughter but I think everyone will
 agree she’ll be missed by us all when she leaves to go to college in September. If
 you’re in the shop on the 11  don’t forget to wish her a happy birthday  – she’s
 working that day!.
 And so for now I will close with a thank you for your custom, whether it’s the odd
 pint of milk, a regular newspaper, or a weekly shop, you help to make a difference
 to our parish by supporting this valuable facility.
 Ali Chorley, Chair of The Friends of Briantspuddle Post Office and Village Shop


 Three months in and we seem to be adapting to a
 new way of living  one which I, for one, hope is not
 as  long  lasting  and  permanent  as  some  would
 have  it.  The  changes  to  our  lives  allowing  us  to
 meet  up  with  other  members  of  our  families  and
 friends albeit distanced and in small groups has made a huge difference to our
 general well being, but for those whose families are too far away for a day trip the
 pain and frustration continues.
 I’ve felt very privileged to be able to be at the village hall every day meeting up
 with friends and neighbours and being able to share a few moments each day
 hopefully making life a little easier for each other day by day. The hall continues
 to be a hub of collecting, delivering, and communicating while people wait to be
 able to use  the shop and post office which continues to  meet  more and more
 people’s needs.
 We  are  glad  to  be  able  to  give  this  provision  to  the whole  community  and  will
 continue to seek to help out as long as the need remains.
 Also as lockdown eases and more activities are allowed we at the village hall are
 hoping to be able to offer a little more in the way of somewhere to have a coffee
 and a chat, we must wait for government advice that it’s safe to do so and by
 the time you read this hopefully that will be happening, enabling us to make a bit
 more use of the open space outside and eventually to be able to slowly make
 more use of the other facilities we have in a way that enables us all to spend a bit
 mire time with each other catching up in a more relaxed manner.
 As the hall hasn’t been able to be available for hire most of this year so far we are
 looking at how to continue looking after it and have it ready for when we can all
 use it properly again, the kitchen jubilee room and lobbies are all now decorated
 and the main hall will follow soon.

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