Page 30 - br-july-2019
P. 30

July 2019                                                                           July 2019
        Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
       (Upper Hall )                                                                        BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY
       We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone      Our May meeting began with the news of
       who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led   the  discovery  of  the  original  site  of  the
       by one of our team with choreography background and designed especially for          farm  that  we  now  know  as  Court  Farm.
       this client group with suitable music and movement.
                                                                                            The  hot  weather  conditions  of  last
       We are asking for a £4 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit       summer  revealed  several  potential  sites
       the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.                    for  ancient  buildings  and  this  one  was
                                                                                            confirmed  after  a  field-walk  during  the
       Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.                         winter.  The  earliest  pottery  found  in  the
                                                                                            surface debris area was very late Roman,

                                                                                            so it could have been established near the end of the 4th century, or something
       Pop In Place Community Café                                                          like 380 AD. The current Court Farm was established by about 750 AD when the
       There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate        church  was  expanded  using  some  stonework,  and  the  "Royal  House"  was
       the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we        originally built, all three being quite close to each other. The new finds are about
       have  Bere  Regis  Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch  when  in  season.  There  is  a  pound   150m to the East on higher ground.
       shop set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport                        Next we had a brief discussion and demonstration of
       to the Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you .
                                                                                                                    Bere Regis bricks, having their origins at the Brick works
                                                                                                                    near  Doddings,  on  the  south  side  of  "Brick  Hill".  That
                                                                                                                    brick  works  functioned  between  about  1580  and
       Pop In  Place Performers Group
                                                                                                                    1914, and bricks from that site can still be seen all over
       We are currently on our summer break and will be meeting up again on Thursday                                the  parish.  Lego-bricks  were  shown  to  illustrate  the
       5  September at 6pm to work on our Christmas Production if you want to be in this                            techniques  of  "Flemish-bond",  "English  Long  &  Short
       show please do e mail me straight away  so that we are                                  Work"  and  modern  single-leaf  used  for  cavity  wall
       aware.                                                                                                       construction.
       The lower age limit is 6 years old there is no upper limit.                                                  Tony  then  gave  a  fascinating  talk  on  the  Well  in  his
                                                                                                                    garden, which is about 90 feet deep and dates back

                                                                                                                    several hundred years at least. Documentary records
       Pop In Place Little Acorns                                                                                   of about a hundred years ago were found in the 1983
                                                                                                                    book  by  William  Lucas,  who  lived  at  the  house.  Also
       A  new baby and  Toddler group at the  Village Hall on Thursday  mornings 10am       three letters from 1940 showed that the well was serviced and repaired including
       until 11.30                                                                          a new bucket which Tony brought with him to the meeting.
        £1 per child and 50p for any subsequent children in the same family.                We finished with a brief story of the progression of History and Antiquity groups in

       Come along to this friendly group you will be made most welcome.                     Dorset,  beginning  with  the  work  of  Hutchins's  books  from  1774,  to  the  Dorset
                                                                                            Archaeological  Congress  meetings  in  the  1860s,  the  formation  of  the  Dorset
       More details call Kelly 07743319856                                                  Natural History and Archaeological Field Club in 1875, and finally in the Victorian
                                                                                            age, the building of Dorchester Museum in 1882.

       Donations to the pound shop                                                          We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, and
                                                                                            all are welcome.
       We  welcome  your  kind  donations  of  small  items  for  our  pound  shop.  We  are
       always in need of items to sale. Books bric a brac new to you clothing all must be                                                John Pitfield, Project Secretary
       good quality items please.

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