Page 29 - br-july-2019
P. 29

July 2019                              July 2019

        Thank You
        Thank you to everyone who supported our recent show
        St  Lillian’s  thank  you  to  everyone  who  donated  raffle
        prizes.    Special  thanks  To  Lucy  Cruickshank  for  the
        beautiful back drop.
        The tickets sales will be donated to Bere Regis School and the Raffle was in aid of
        the Community Shed.

        Friday 12  July Memory Box Morning 10am at the Lower Hall
        You  are  invited  to  come  along  to  our  café  on  12   July  10am  to  a  talk  about
        memory boxes theses are supplied by a memory box library and help to evoke
        memories  and  conversations  that  are  instigated  by  people  being  able  to  hold
        specific objects etc.
        Tea and coffee will be served and there will be warm welcome to all.

        Pop In Place needs more volunteers to serve teas or drive
        Could  you become a volunteer and help to serve the teas at our  Monday or
        Friday morning  cafes or maybe you could become a driver or talk to the clients ?
        These tasks are all done on a rota basis so you don’t have to do it every week .
        A big thank you to all who already volunteer with us we appreciate that you are
        giving your time to enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.

        Pop In Place Community Shed

        We would welcome cash donation towards the set up costs of this new initiative,
        or are you able to donate wood ,tools, or skill sharing in the future  please get in
        touch with me.
        There are “Men’s sheds popping up all over the UK, it is a place to get people
        together  to  help  to  combat  isolation  encourage  wellbeing  and  to  share  skills
        working on a variety of woodwork projects.
        We  are  currently  working with  Vitacress    to  open  a  shed in  Bere Regis it  will  be
        open for both men and woman and have special workshop Saturday mornings
        for youngsters with an appropriate adult.

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