Page 9 - br-jan-23
P. 9

January 2023                                                                        January 2023

       CHURCH CLEANING ROTA                                                                 disappointed as we sell out. Contact me as soon as possible to avoid being one
                                                                                            of those disappointed.
                      Rosemary Cleave
       19 December –                                                                        Looking forward further into the year we have the coronation of our new king to
       1 Jan 2023     Sarah Trenchard                                                       look forward to, and are hoping to hold our first open gardens since covid shut
                                                                                            everything down so watch this space and the community website and Facebook
                                                                                            page  for further information.  We will  also  be  continuing to look at  how  we  can
                      Ian Ventham                                                           reduce  our  carbon  footprint  and  would  welcome  input  and  ideas  on  potential
       2 – 15 January                                                                       ways forward. There are places available for people to be coopted for specific
                      Diana Ventham                                                         projects without having to take on the responsibility of being a trustee and so if
                                                                                            that interests you please contact myself in the first instance.

                                                                                                                       Stuart Chorley, Briantspuddle Village Hall Chairman
                      Nancy Gibson
       16 – 29 January                                                                                                email    mobile 07818078191
       2023           Sue Steggals

                    SANCTUARY FLOWER GUILD

                                     7th     Edmonds and Pitts
                                                                                            AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
                                     14th    Edmonds and Pitts                              COUNCIL

                                     21st    Edmonds and Pitts
                                     28th    Debenham and


       St John the Baptist, Bere Regis

       2  December           Mary Lewis

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