Page 47 - br-jan-23
P. 47

January 2023                                                                        January 2023

       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                    How to report
                                                                                            abandoned vehicles
        Be brave and  take that step…                                                       Following  enquiries  about
                                                                                            abandoned  vehicles  in  our
        As  we  start  a  new  year  and  one  that  will  be  full  of                     areas,  I  thought  I  would
        challenges, we at the Pop In Place want to remind you                               forward  you  the  link  below
        that  we  are  here  every  Friday  morning  ,  call  in  for  a                    that  you  can  use  to  report
        coffee and a chat, you may want to be a volunteer and                               any   abandoned   vehicles
        serve the teas or help in the workshop.
                                                                                            you may come across.
        Make  2023  the  year  that  you  took  that  step  to  the  Community  Café  there  is  a   h t t p s : / / d o r s e t -
        warm welcome awaiting you.
        Every  Friday  morning  from  10  am  until  12  noon  we  are  here  at  the  Community   s  e  r  v  i  c  e  /
        Café at the Village Hall North Street to welcome everyone who walks through the     Abandoned_Vehicles
        We also welcome new volunteers to help on our team for serving the drinks and       Other items in the main report which will be on the Bere
        helping at events.                                                                  Regis PC website
        Call the Team Leader Alison 01929 472023 for more details.
                                                                                                Care Worker Support accommodation

                                                                                                Powerfuel application
        Work shop and
        Repair Shop                                                                             Illegal Puppy Farm

        We have a small group meet                                                              Mockingbird for Dorset Families
        on  Friday  mornings  and  do                                                           Durlston Newsletter
        some  wood  work,  making
        bird  boxes,  bug  hotels  and                                                          Digital Champions
        planters   etc   We   have                                                               Dorset volunteers honoured at tree planting ceremony
        completed  and  refurbished                                                         
        the  table  tennis  table  and                                                          Have your say on the future of Dorset archives
        that  is  available  for  people
        to play a game.                                                                         Cold weather press release
        If  you  are  interested  in                                                            Comms team wins national award
        coming  along  and  doing                                                                Gold award for DC Armed Forces support
        any of the above or your own small project, call in and see Paul Bennett you will   
        be very welcome.
                                                                                            We are back to holding face to face meetings. However, we would also be more

                                                                                            than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring or email
        Blankets for Bere                                                                   us  with  some  details  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is
                                                                                     telephone    07986   600799   and   Laura’s   is
        The Pop In Place is building a stock of lovely hand- made blankets that our ladies
        are  knitting  for  the  colder weather.    If  you  are  able  to  help  with  this  we  would  telephone 07814 569563
        welcome either squares double knit wool on 4mm needles cast on 24 stiches and                        Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
        do 48 rows  or a completed finished item.

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