Page 45 - br-jan-23
P. 45

January 2023                                                                        January 2023

       Fancy a game of table tennis                                                                        BERE REGIS NEWS
       As part of our bid to try to generate some
       income  for  the  Hall  we  are  able  to  offer
       family  table  tennis  sessions,    if  you  are                                     BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
       interested  in  hiring  it    the  fee  is    £10  per
       family for an hour.
                                                                                            Chairman:           07900 906278
       Please telephone 01929 472023 to book.                                                         Mathers

                                                                                            Vice      Bryan     07969 770890
                                                                                            Chairman:  Benjafield
                                                                                            Parish    Amanda    07855 396073
                                                                                            Clerk:     Crocker

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
          advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of            Websites: 
             their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!
                                                                                            The Parish Council met on Thursday 8  December 2022 in the Village Hall for our
                                                                                            December Meeting. Three members of the public were present. Members of the
                                                                                            press and public are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the
                                                                                            start.  If  you  are  unable  to  attend  but  wish  to  submit  a  comment  or  question,
                                                                                            please contact the Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.


                                                                                            It  has  now  been  nearly  a  year  since  the  Parish  Council  took  over  the
                                                                                            management  of  the  allotments  and  an  amended  allotment  agreement  and
                                                                                            schedule of fees has been drawn up to ensure that all allotment holders pay the
                                                                                            same  rate  per  square  metre  of  land  they  rent.  All  existing  allotment  holders  will
                                                                                            shortly  receive  a  copy  of  the  new  agreement  and  amended  rate  for  the  2023
                                                                                            season. We would like to stress that all allotment fees collected are put back into
                                                                                            the maintenance and management of the allotment area and will not be used
                                                                                            for any other purpose. Whilst there are currently no spare plots, if you wish to be
                                                                                            added to the waiting list, please contact the clerk on

                                                                                            Communibus & NeighbourCar
                                                                                            Following the  purchase  of a  minibus  four  years  ago,  we  have continued  to run
                                                                                            regular  trips  for  residents  at  subsidised  costs  to  local  areas  and  attractions  and
                                                                                            had hoped to offer the bus to be hired by local community groups. Whilst we are
                                                                                            happy to continue to run this service, there is a lack of interest in hiring the minibus
                                                                                            and  it  is  currently  running  at  a  loss.  It  was  agreed  that  the  Parish  Council  will

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