Page 50 - br-January-2018
P. 50

January 2018                                                                        January 2018

                                                                                           NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER

                                                                                           Over  the  last  few  months  I  have  been  sending  out
                                                                                           postal  surveys  to  constituents  asking  for  their  views.
                                                                                           The  survey  covers  a  range  of  issues,  focusing  on

                                                                                           communications infrastructure, including broadband
                                                                                           and mobile reception. I am delighted by the number
                                                                                           of  responses,  with  many  people  taking  the  time  to
                                                                                           respond, sometimes in great detail. I will continue to
                1 pack ready roll short crust                                             send  these  out,  and  I’m  considering  all  the  results
                 pastry or make your own                                                   and  using  them  as  evidence  in  my  meetings  with
                100g chicken/lamb or pork                                                 service providers and Ministers.
                 cooked and diced small
                ½ cooked carrot                                                           One issue that comes up frequently are the concerns
                                                                                           people have about housing. There is a need for more housing so that local people
                1 cooked roast potato                                                     have place to live  – particularly younger people looking to get on the property
                50g cooked swede                                                          ladder. But this must be balanced with protections for our greenbelt, and ensuring
                10gr cooked peas                                                          that we are not simply covering our beautiful landscape. This is a difficult balance
                3 tablespoon of leftover gravy                                            to get right, and I would welcome your thoughts on this subject.  But it is especially
                                                                                           important for us here in Dorset, where house prices are some of the highest in the
                1 egg
                                                                                           country. Crucially, in my view when we build houses it should be to address the
                                                                                           needs of our local area first.
           Preheat oven to 180C/gas 4/350F                                                                                                You  can’t  discuss  homes
                                                                                                                                          without   considering   the
           Using a large mixing bowl, take the cooked root vegetables and crush,
           stir in meat, peas and gravy, stir until mixed.  Take the ready rolled                                                         issue of homelessness, which
           pastry and cut a circle approx 10” across.  Place on a lined and                                                               is  a  challenge  for  every
           greased tray.  Firmly pack the filling along the centre of the pastry                                                          government.    I  was  really
           leaving a 1” margin around the edges.  Brush around the edges with                                                             pleased  to  be  able  to
           beaten egg, carefully lift up the both the sides of the pastry so that                                                         support  the  Homelessness
           they meet at the top, then punch together to seal, ensuring there are                                                          Reduction   Act   through
           no gaps.  Brush the pasty with the beaten egg to glaze.  Bake for                                                              Parliament,  including  sitting
           45mins until golden.                                                                                                           on  the  Bill  Committee  to
                                                                                                                                          ensure  that  it  was  the  best
           Ensure you leave a sufficient gap to seal the pastry. If there are gaps                                                        piece of legislation possible.
           liquid will seep out during cooking.                                                                                           This  law  will  require  earlier
                                                                                           intervention by councils to prevent homelessness, becoming the first major piece
           Variations.  This is a completely versatile recipe and can be adapted
           to include whatever ingredients you have left from your roast dinner.           of  homelessness  legislation  for  15  years.  But  I  believe  that  actions  often  speak
           Different pasties can be created with seasonal vegetables throughout            louder than words, which is why I spent a cold night in late November sleeping
           the year.  For a vegetarian option, omit the meat, use fried quorn and          outside  on  a  piece  of  cardboard.  I  did  this  with  a  local  youth  group,  raising
           vegetarian gravy.                                                               awareness of homelessness, and also raising money for the charity Routes to Roots
                                                                                           in Poole. Some of their volunteers came to speak to the young people, to explain
           These pasties are ideal for freezing.                                           how we can help, and some of the reasons why people may become homeless. I
                                                                                           was particularly pleased that so many teenagers joined in the event, helping to
                                                                                           raise a significant amount of money, whilst also learning from the experts about
                                                                                           the different causes of homelessness and what we can do to help.

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