Page 47 - br-January-2018
P. 47

January 2018                         January 2018


   Explorer News

 ‘I am an Explorer – Get Me Out of Here!’ was a cold November night’s Explorer
 activity, loosely based on the TV show with a similar title. Teams of Explorers were
 given  6  bush  tucker  trials  in  the  Bere  Regis  jungle.  The  outside  challenges
 involved logic, initiative, musical ability
 and  communication.  The  inside
    challenges included a trial called the
 ‘Critter  Canteen’  which  proved  an
 interesting  exercise  in  blindfolded
 insect  tasting!  Well  done  to  Elliot,
 Sammy  and  Sam,  who  survived  the
 various  ordeals  and  were  crowned
 Kings of the Jungle!
 Other  evenings  have  included  a
 Movie Night at the Hut, complete with
 the luxury of beanbags, blankets and
 popcorn.  Tinsel  and  baubles  then
 made  their  first  appearance  of  the
 festive season during an early December’s Christmas craft workshop.

 Young Leaders in Bere Regis Scout Group
 Some of our Explorers are also Young Leaders within the younger sections of the
 Group.  They  assist  the  adult  Leaders  and  sometimes  plan  and  run  evenings
 themselves. Training is given to the young people  to  help them  work with the
 younger  members  of  the  Group  and  the  Section  Leaders.  Once  they  have
 completed  a  course  of  training  modules  and  put  their  learning  into  practice,
 they  can  receive  a  Young  Leader  Belt  Buckle.  Five  of  our  Explorer  Young
 Leaders have recently completed all their training and will soon be presented
 with this award.

 Scout News
 The first week in December the Scouts made sure that Christmas had arrived at
 the  Scout  hut,  the  tree  was  decorated  and  lots  of  snowflakes  now  adorn  the
 windows and paper chains were made and hung from the rafters.
 Community  Christmas  Lunch  was  prepared  and  served  by  the  scouts;  soup,
 turkey with all the trimmings followed by Christmas pudding and mince pies was
 just  the  order  of  the  day  to  keep  the  lovely  guests  warm  on  a  chilly  Sunday.

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