Page 6 - January 2017
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January 2017                                                                        January 2017
                                                                                                               CHURCH AND VILLAGE

       BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS                                                               ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS

        At the beginning of a New Year I would like to thank our local                      Association  Contact  Tel      Address       E-mail    Meetings/Info
        ringing band for all their time in keeping the bells sounding out
        to  announce  our  Church  services  each  Sunday,  celebrating
        weddings  and  other  important  occasions  and  for  those  who                    Ancient Order of   Andrew Jones      19 Louise Road,   andrew@jones  Monthly Turberville Court
        come  from  other  parishes  to  help  us  improve  our  change                     Foresters Court                Dorchester, DT1 2LT  1st Monday  -  7.30 pm
                                                                                            Prospect 6575                                uk
        ringing and encouraging new ringers. We often have words of
        thanks from those who hear them (much appreciated), bringing                        Autumn Leaves   Margaret Dann  472734   4 Bitchams Mead      Monthly  Drax Hall
        memories of events over past years and we will do our best to keep them ringing                   Kath Jeeves   471175   10 Turberville Court   2nd Wednesday @ 2.30 pm
        for the future.
                                                                                            Bere Regis Bell Ringers   John England   471469   10, South Mead      Normal practice night  -
        It would be good to have a few more ringers to assist us, many of whom are now                    Adrian     471774                        Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to
                                                                                                          Standfield                               7.30 p.m.
        well  into  pensionable  age,  so  watch  this  space  for  information  about  a
                                                                                                          Jenny Clifford
        recruitment drive during the year. We are only too willing to safely teach anyone
                                                                                            Bere Regis Community   Wayne Roberts   471334   Rye Hill   office@berereg  Primary School for pupils
        to handle ropes and bells.                                                          School        -  Headteacher   BH20 7LP   aged 4+ to 11 years
        Practices  will  continue  at  present  on  Wednesday  evenings  from  6.30  to  7.30.
        Anyone is always welcome to come up the tower to see what is involved.              Bere Regis Floral Group  Diane   472331                2nd Tuesday at
                                                                                                          Edmonds    01305                         Winterborne Kingston
                                                                                                                     848262                        village hall
                                                      John England, Tower Captain                         Diana Holman
                                                                                            Bere Regis Gardening    Sue Stone   472083   97 North Street, Bere   Susan.stone97  Monthly.  Drax Hall
                                                                                            Club                           Regis, BH20 7LD   1st Tuesday.  7.30 p.m.
                                                                                            Bere Regis Strollers   Lynda Crisford   471180   11 Bitchams Mead   Michael.crisfor  Every Tuesday 10.30 a.m.
       MOTHERS'                                                                                                            BH20 7ND      d@btinternet.c  Bere Regis Car Park
                                                                                            Bere Regis Junior   Pat Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage,   peterwharf@bti  Second Sunday of every
                                                                                            Church                         West Street   month in Church 10.000-
       Our meeting on 7  December 2016 was our festive afternoon which was enjoyed                                                                 11.00 a.m.
       by all.                                                                              Bere Regis Parish   Ian Ventham   471480   Wateredge,      Monthly, Drax Hall
                                                                                            Council       Chairman         Shitterton, BH20 7HU    2nd Thursday
       May we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.
       Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 4  January 2017 which will be our         Bere Regis Sports Club   Andy Kent   471079   94 North Street   andy@contact.  Village football and cricket
       Gift Exchange.                                                                       Cricket       Herbie Swann   472812   teams for all ages
                                                                                            Football      Luke White   472487
       On Saturday 21  January 2017 at 10.30am we will be holding our Social Morning at
                                                                                            Bere Regis Swimming   Bob Holman   01305   Camelot, Affpuddle   bob.holman@ti  5.15 p.m.—7.00 p.m. at the
       Turberville Court.                                                                   club                     848262   DT2 7HH    Purbeck Leisure Centre,

       Date of Next Meeting                                                                 Bere Regis Wildlife   Tony Bates   471563   The Beeches,   tonybates@the  Meetings arranged as and
                                                                                            Group         Pat Chesney   471519   Barrow Hill  when
         4  January 2017   Turberville Court   Wednesday            2.00 pm                               Sarah Welton   471562          uk
                                                                                            Bere Regis Scout   Liz Teather   01929       lizteather@hot  Wednesdays 6  -  7  pm
       Social Morning                                                                       Group (Beavers)          471216       5¾ - 8 years
                                                                                                                                                   Scout Hut, Elder Road
       21  January 2017   Turberville Court   Saturday           10.30am

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