Page 20 - January 2017
P. 20

January 2017                                                                        January 2017

       NeighbourCar                                                                                               BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
       There  is  a  serious  risk  that  this  hugely  important  scheme  which  helps  transport                WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENT
       people to vital appointments, shopping trips and similar needs, could stop in the
       New Year, due to the lack of volunteer drivers we have. If you have a car, and                             GROUP
       some spare time in the week, please contact Brenda House on 01929 471255 or, so that we can hopefully get some new drivers
       signed up and maintain this valuable service.
                                                                                            Conservation Working Party

       Ponies                                                                               Our work continues on opening up an area near to the central bridge to provide
                                                                                            more  light  to  the  stream  and  woodland  floor.  This  work is  part  of  our  efforts  to
       The  pony  and  her                                                                  enhance  the  environment  for  a  wide range  of  fauna  and  flora.  See  below  for
       foal  have  done  a                                                                  details of our next working party and how you can help. You may have noticed
       great   job   grazing                                                                that  we  have  created  some  log  piles.  These  provide  a  valuable  habitat  and
       Souls   Moor.   They                                                                 shelter for amphibians, small mammals, birds and invertebrates, while a range of
       have   been   taken                                                                  fungi  will  grow  as  part  of  the
       away  for  a  while  by                                                              decomposition process. You may also
       the  owner  to  his                                                                  have noticed a large pile of cuttings,
       stables   after   the                                                                the  Parish  Council  is  arranging  to
       mare  cut  her  leg  on                                                              have  these  cuttings  chipped  and
       some  barbed  wire.                                                                  removed.
       Some  villagers  were
       concerned    about                                                                   You  will  have  seen  that  the  Parish
       their  wellbeing.  We                                                                Council  have  erected  some
       can  assure  that  they                                                              information boards about the wildlife
       are  in  good  hands.                                                                value  of  Souls  Moor  and  the
       The owner has similar ponies on other sites in Purbeck. They  will be back in the    streamside, do take a look.
       early spring.
                                                                                            The  next  Conservation  Working  Party
                                                                                            will  be  held  on  the  morning  of
                                                                                            Saturday  7th  January;  others  will  follow  on  the  first  Saturday  of  the  month.  We
       Wareham Hospital Consultation
                                                                                            meet at the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or you can find us along the river. We
       There will be a drop-in session on Wednesday 4  January from 2pm until 7.30pm        normally finish about 12.30.
       at Swanage and Wareham Rugby Club in Wareham, for anybody who wishes to              Our work will help to conserve the best of what is already there and make the
       discuss the proposed cuts and closures facing Wareham Hospital. If you or your       stream and the adjoining areas even more wildlife friendly. Please come and join
       family  have  benefited  from  this  facility,  then  we  would  suggest  going  to  speak   us.  Many  hands  make  for  light  work  -  all  are  welcome  (under  16s  should  be
       about it if you can.
                                                                                            accompanied by an adult). No experience is required, there’s a friendly crowd
       Finally, can I take this opportunity on behalf of the Council, to wish everyone a    and it is great fun too!
       very happy New Year.
                                                                                            If you some loppers or hand saws please bring them with you – if you don’t, no
                                                                 Bryan Benjafield           problem we’ll have some spares and various tools.
                                                                                            If you would like to know more, please contact:
                                                                                            Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or

                                                                                            Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.

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