Page 19 - January 2017
P. 19

January 2017                         January 2017
                          BERE REGIS NEWS

 From  October  to  December,  we  had  12
 outings and on the weekend outings we were
 using  both  Dorset  Community  Transport  Buses   Chairman:    Ian Ventham    471480
 and County Buses.
 The Christmas Party at Bashley was great fun and never disappoints, with ‘Lyrics   Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher   472151
 and Laughter’ and their very inventive style of comedy and traditional Christmas
 songs. There was something for everyone.
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda           472327
 Our Christmas Lunch at Galton Garden   Crocker
 Centre was a ‘sell-out’ with 48 of us sat
 down  to  a  delicious  Christmas  meal.   Websites:
 Edinburgh  Woollen  Mill  took  over  a
 £1,000  pounds  in  one  hour,  this  was
 after taking off the 20% discount!
        The Parish Council met on Thursday 8  December 2016 at the Drax Hall. The next
 We look forward to the New Year with   meeting  will  be  on  Thursday  12   January  at  the  Drax  Hall,  starting  at  7pm.  All
 more  outings  planned  to  venues  that   parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any
 we have never visited before. Be  sure
        matters or concerns.
 to  follow  our  adverts  or  go  to  our
 website  for
 further  information  and  to  book.   Village Forum
 February 22  we go to The Exchange,
 Sturminster to see Anita Harris, Lunch at   We  will  again  be  having  our  annual  Village  Forum  in March,  to  be  held  at  the
 The Swan Inn before the show. Tickets   Scout  Hut  on  a  Saturday  in  March  to  be  confirmed  shortly.  This  is  a  great
 and bus fare £20.00, lunch extra. Early   opportunity for everyone to come along, meet your Parish Council, and listen to
 booking is advisable.   some updates on plans  which are ongoing. Topics for this year’s forum are the
        proposed new Community Hall, the Partial Review and the Unitary Council review
 On  behalf  of  our  Trustees  and  On   and and update on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan.
 Board  Volunteers,  we  wish  you  a

 Happy and Healthy New Year. Looking
 forward  to  welcoming  you  on  board,   Consultation on the Removal of Concessionary Travel
 very soon.
        There is currently a consultation ongoing regarding changing some timings for the
 Margo, Founder and Trustee Bus2Go   current  Concessionary  Travel  Bus  Pass  Scheme.  Currently  The  county  council
        currently subsidises the scheme which allows bus pass holders free concessionary
        travel  before  0930  on  services  where  the  next  bus  is  not  until  after  1030.  The
        proposed  changes  would  mean  concessionary  bus  pass  holders  would  not  be
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   able  to  travel  free  before  9.30am  on  weekdays  under  any  circumstances.  The
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   consultation runs until  Friday 13 January,  and the council is particularly keen to
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   know how you would be affected if proposals go ahead.
 advertising revenue!!   You can complete the questionnaire on-line at:

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