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February 2024                                                                       February 2024

       soil, just like we know that soon it will be Valentine’s Day, then Shrove Tuesday and
       time to make those delicious pancakes (13  Feb, very early this year), the season                       March
       of Lent and then Easter – evidence of all these are in the shops already!
                                                                                                    5th        Purbeck mystery tour & lunch £10             9.30am
       It’s  good  to  know  that  we  still  have  the  familiar  things  around  us  as  our  world
       becomes more uncertain – who knows what surprises will happen during 2024.  In
       these  times  of  uncertainty  and  change,  our  world  seems  very  dark  indeed.          12th       A Flower Prescription, Cathryn Brown         2.00pm
       Sharing with each other the light of Christ, and following the familiar patterns that
       our  year,  through  its  association  with  the  Christian  Festivals,  brings,  may  be  one
       way of overcoming these dark times, where we can hope for a better future and        PC      14th       Parish Council meeting, Village Hall         7.00pm
       pray for a peaceful world.

       With blessings,                                                                       FN     16th       Leon Hunt  - £10 cash on the door , Skittle Alley at  7.30pm
                                                                                                               the Drax Arms
                                                                                                    20th       Wells  £15                                   9.00am
                                                                                                    20th       Posted in the past

       Thank You
                                                                                             SP     21st       Roast pork    Apple dappy

       Decorations  –  Thank  you  to  everyone  who  arranged  the  wonderful  floral
       decorations  in  St  John  the  Baptist  and  St  Laurence  Churches  for  the  Christmas
       period, they looked wonderful.                                                               23rd       Wareham Choral Society  -  Stainer’s Crucifixion in  7.00pm
                                                                                                               Lady St Mary Church, Wareham
       Christmas Services – Thank you to the team who put the Christingles together for
       the Christmas Eve Christingle and Crib Service at Bere Regis, it was lovely to have          29th       Easter Events Bonnets and Egg Raffle         10-12
       a full church again for the service.
       Thank  you  to  Dr  Richard  Hall  and  Briantspuddle  Singers  for  leading  the  Carol
       Service and to all those who read and thank you to Marek and Pam for organising                         April
       the lovely refreshments afterwards at Affpuddle.
                                                                                                   9th         The Range and Poole Quay £10              9.30am
       Coming up in the parishes…
                                                                                                   9th         Spring in a Ring, Sandy Miles (workshop)   2.00pm
       Thursday  1   February, 7:30am  Concert  in  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  – tickets are
       £12.50 and all profits will be donated to St Laurence’s Church, Affpuddle.
                                                                                            PC     11th        Parish Council meeting, Village Hall      7.00pm
       Family Service – Sunday 11  February, 11am St John the Baptist, Bere Regis.  Our
       theme will be The Transfiguration, Junior Church will be meeting from 10am.                 17th        Annual meeting
       Ash Wednesday 14  February, 10:30am Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes,
       St John the Baptist, Bere Regis – Lent begins in the middle of February this year as       SP   18th    Beef cobbler         Lemon roulade
       Easter is at the end of March.  All welcome.

       Lent  Group  –  No  details  were  available  when  copy  was  due,  for  details  of  this      24th   Bridport and Weymouth  £10                9.30am
       please  look  on  the  Benefice  Website  or  contact  Rev
       Sandra or your Churchwarden.                                                          FN    30th        Stan Graham, Nigel Waite, Jay Parrack     7.30pm

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