Page 67 - br-feb-2020
P. 67

February 2020                        February 2020
 ahead  or  simply  catch  up.    As  we  move
 towards  the  season  of  Lent,  we  have  that      DATES FOR
 chance to stop and take stock, to perhaps
 do  some  spring  cleaning,  not  just  in  our      YOUR DIARY
 homes,  but  in  our  lives.    The  dust  and  dirt
 that  gathers  in  our  house  may  also  be
 intruding  on  our  lives.    Dust  or  fluff  is  like   2020
 those  extra  things  we  impose  on  our  lives
 which  cause  us  stress  and  anxiety.    For   Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
 example,  it  is  good  to  keep  our  house   Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
 clean  and comfortable,  but  we  also  have
 to live comfortably in the space, so if the floor has to be so clean that people are
 afraid to walk on it then the stress is excessive.  Or, it is lovely to have a beautiful      September
 garden, but it is there to be enjoyed and the need to care for it should not make it
 impossible to do anything else.  I am sure we can all think of fluff areas in our own   8th   Communibus  -  Breamore House and Countryside Museum
 lives and we need to see how much these affect our lives and whether we should
 be  changing.    The  dirt  can  be  our  bad  moments,  times  when  we  have  been   8th   FG: Katie Baxter: Autumn Falls
 unkind, unreasonable, unthinking, bad tempered or selfish.
       12th  PiP  -  Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk     10.00
 These  we  need  to  accept  and  then  deal  with,  apologise,  or  put  things  right  as
 necessary  and  then  apologise  to  ourselves  for  our  stupidity.    These  need  to  be
 washed  away.    We  are  better  off  without  the  grudges,  prejudice  and   17th   Salt and Pepper Club
 remembered  hostility  that  can  sometimes  become  ingrained  into  our  lives.    We
 need to have the courage to remove these things from our lives and we can be   22nd  Communibus  -  Seaton
 sure that our faith will help us remake ourselves in a stronger better way, healthier
 than before.     27th  PiP  -  Macmillan Coffee morning, Lower Hall   10.00-12.00

 So Lent is the time to see the dust and dirt and deal with the rotten things in our
 lives and to let the power and strength of Christ remake us.  So we pray that we
 may have the courage to take stock and allow Jesus Christ our Saviour to do some
 spring cleaning in our lives.
 With blessings,



       6th   Communibus  -  Bridport
       13th  FG: Denise Jones: Floral Dreams

 At St John the Baptist, Bere Regis   15th   Salt and Pepper Club
 15  January Margaret Miller
       20th  Hillier Gardens, Romsey

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