Page 66 - br-feb-2020
P. 66

February 2020                                                                       February 2020

       DATES FOR                                                                           BISHOP’S LETTER

                YOUR DIARY                                                                  God in Ordinary

                                                                                            The  cathedral  had  a  new  Christmas  nativity  of  photographs  that  looked  like  a
                                                                                            huge  painting.  The  people  in  it  were  from  the  local  community.  Christmas
                                                                                            celebrates God among us. Like the shepherds and the wise men we came to the
        Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s                    crib to wonder and worship but when we went away to get on with the rest of our
        Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club                                      lives, what happens next?
                                                                                            One answer is that the Church’s year continues to tell the Christian stories of God
       18th  Salt and Pepper Club                                                           in Jesus who teaches, challenges, heals and gives life to us. Christmas gives way
                                                                                            to  Epiphany;  on  2nd  February  we  remember  the  Presentation  of  Christ  in  the
       23rd  Communibus  -  Ottery Nursery, Exeter                                          Temple and his being recognised by the elderly Simeon and Anna; and this year
                                                                                            at the end of the month, on 26th February, Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent and
       25th  PiP Summer Show                                         6.00                   our preparation for Easter.
                                                                                            Other  answers  are  also  needed  in  trying  to  find  what  it  means  for  God  to  be
       26th  PiP Summer Show                                         7.00                   among us. How do we respond in our daily lives? What difference does it make to
                                                                                            the way I understand myself and how we live together? We have often used Lent
       27th  PiP Summer Show                                         2.00                   for those reflective questions.

                                                                                            This year, instead of Praying Together as we have done for the last three years, I
                                                                                            hope that as a diocese we will use the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book by
                                                                                            Ruth Valerio, ‘Saying Yes to Life’. “As people made in the image of God, we are
             July                                                                           entrusted to look after what he has created: to share in God’s joy and ingenuity in
                                                                                            making a difference for good.” Using the story of the days of creation in Genesis 1
       7th   Communibus  -  Portland Bill                                                   she, “relates light, water, land, the seasons, other creatures, humankind, Sabbath
                                                                                            rest  and  resurrection  hope  to  matters  of  environmental,  ethical  and  social
       7th   FG: Irene Hickson: Chelsea Gold                                                concern.” There are small, cheaper booklets for kids and adults to go alongside it,
                                                                                            ‘A 40-Day Challenge to Live Lent and Care for God’s Creation’.
       16th  Salt and Pepper Club
                                                                                            Asking what it means in our ordinary lives that God is among us is a good way to
                                                                                            keep  Lent.  There  is  no  single  settled  answer  because  we  keep  deepening  our
       22nd  Communibus  -  New Forest Lavender                                             response to God come among us.  What  do we pray for?  Whom do  we serve?
                                                                                            How will we grow? Living in response to those questions renews our hope.
                                                                                                                                                     +Nicholas Sarum


       11th  Communibus  -  Groves Nursery and West Bay

       20th  Salt and Pepper Club

       25th  Communibus  -  Sidmouth

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